

kickassfacts.com2015-07-27 15:16新东方网朱梦琪

13. The Sex Pistol’s “God Save the Queen”, released during her silver jubilee, was considered controversial by the BBC and its spot on the top hits charts was left as an empty space.

  13. 性手枪的“天佑女王”一歌,在英国女王即位25周年之际发布,BBC认为争议太大而将该曲在流行音乐榜首的位置隐去不谈。

  14. In order to capture footage of tigers hunting in the wild, instead of using a human camera crew, the BBC gave cameras to a team of elephants and trained them to operate the film equipment.

  14. BBC为拍摄老虎在野外捕食的画面,不用人工摄像组,而是将摄像机按在了一队大象的身上,并训练他们使用摄影设备。

  15. Due to widespread news coverage of the JFK assassination, the BBC figured a lot of people missed the airing of the first ever episode of Doctor Who. Consequently, they re-aired it one week later.

  15. 因为美国肯尼迪总统被刺一事铺天盖地的报道,BBC认为很多人肯定错过了神秘博士有史以来的第一集。因此,BBC在一周后重播了一次。

  16. In 2006, the BBC mistakenly interviewed a guy live on TV thinking he was an IT magazine editor, but really he was just there to apply for a job.

  16. 2006年,BBC错误地采访了一位他们以为是IT杂志编辑的人,而实际上那人只是到那儿求职的。

  17. Despite working for the BBC as a broadcaster and dying in 1950, there are no known recordings of George Orwell’s voice.

  17. 虽然乔治·奥威尔曾为BBC做过新闻主播,在1950年去世,但是并没有留下他的任何录音。


  18. In the 1980s, BBC televised a live demonstration of email. Prior to transmission, a studio guest overheard a crew member saying the email account password and phoned a friendly hacker. Once on air, the presenter logged in and was met with a poem about hacking and insecure passwords.

  18. 1980年代,BBC曾在电视上现场展示电邮的使用方法。在播出之前,录音棚的嘉宾偷听到工作人员说邮箱密码,他便打电话给一位不坏恶意的黑客。节目播出后,主播登录邮箱,结果看到一首关于黑客技术和密码不安全的打油诗。

  19. Britons have to pay $230 for a “television license” every year as a tax to support the BBC.

  19. 英国人每年必须为“电视许可”支付$230的税费以此支持BBC。

  20. The BBC News channel has a show dedicated to viewers criticizing how well they have reported the week’s events.

  20. BBC新闻频道专门有一档节目,为观众提供批评指正BBC报道的机会。

  21. The Dalek voice in Doctor Who (2005) is recorded through a custom analog ring modulator. BBC was unable to reproduce the original effect digitally.

  21. 神秘博士的外星人Dalex的声音是由一个特制的环形调控器才录制成功的,因为BBC当时还无法用数字技术做出该效果。

  22. British nuclear submarines have orders to launch nuclear missiles if they cannot tune into BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ program for a number of consecutive days.

  22. 英国核潜艇在连续几天无法收听到BBC广播四台的《今日》节目后可被允许发射核导弹。

  23. Much of the BBC’s output between the 1930’s and 1980’s has been lost due to a lack of archival policy.

  23. BBC在三十年代到八十年代之间的作品已大多流失,因为当时缺乏归档制度。

  24. From the 30s to the end of the Cold War, MI5 had an officer working at the BBC to ensure they wouldn’t hire communists.

  24. 从三十年代到冷战结束,MI5都派一个人到BBC工作以便监管他们不聘任任何共产党。


  25. The beeps you hear on BBC radio is the Greenwich Time Signal. It beeps at the top of the hour so you could sync your watch.

  25. BBC电台的哔哔声是格林尼治报时信号。每小时的最开始会响起此声,这样人们可以调对手表。


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