看东西2015-08-05 14:16沪江
The global popularity of the modernised Sherlock Holmes series (and its many imitators) has proven yet again that no amount of big blockbuster all-guns-blazing cop shows can compete with the reserved and sharp detective work of one of Britain’s most well-loved characters. Benedict Cumberbatch has been rightly lauded for his depiction of the fast-thinking private eye, and his capers around London reaffirm that we Brits are good at more than drinking tea.
横扫全球的现代版福尔摩斯系列(及众多类似作品)再次证明没有哪家宏大制作、子弹横飞的警匪片能与英国最受喜爱的侦探片相媲美,我们的夏洛克矜持又敏锐,迷倒全人类。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)因为传神地刻画了那一双敏锐深邃的眼睛而备受称赞,他在伦敦周围的诸次历险再次佐证了我们英国人不是光会喝茶的!