全球最受欢迎雇主榜单:谷歌、 苹果及联合利华位居前三
财富2015-08-12 11:20
None of this is shocking. “Humans, by their nature, seek purpose—to make a contribution and tobe part of a cause greater and more enduring than themselves,” writes Daniel Pink in Drive: TheSurprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, FrederickHerzberg, Peter Drucker, and other great management thinkers said similar things more than half acentury ago.
这一切都并不令人震惊。丹尼尔•平克在《驱动力:有关激励的惊人真相》一书中指出:“追求目标——投身于比他们自身更伟大、更持久的事业,并成为其中的一部分——是人类的天性。” 在半个多世纪之前,亚伯拉罕•马斯洛、道格拉斯•麦格雷戈、弗雷德里克•赫茨伯格和彼得•德鲁克等伟大的管理学先哲也都有过类似的说法。