

新东方网整理2015-08-12 11:53

  Now, a certain amount of self-absorption is in our nature.As Harvard’s own E.O. Wilson has recently written, and I quote him, “We are an insatiably curious species – provided the subjects are our personal selves and people we would know or would like to know.” But I want to underscore two troubling aspects of this obsession with ourselves.

  当然,适度的利己是我们的本性。正如我们哈佛大学的生物学家E.O. Wilson(爱德华·O·威尔逊)教授最近写道的:“我们是一个充满无尽好奇心的物种——只要对象是我们自己以及我们自己知道或想知道的人们。”但是我想强调的是,这种自我迷恋会有两个令人不安的后果。

  The first is it undermines our sense of responsibility to others –the ethos of service at the heart of Thomas Shepard’s phrase describing Harvard’s enduring commitment to graduate students who are “enlarged” to be about more than themselves. Not just enlarged for their own sake and betterment– but enlarged toward others and toward the world. This is part of the essence of what this university has always strived to be.

  首先,它削弱了我们对于他人的责任感——一种服务他人的意识。这种意识正是Thomas Shepard(托马斯·希帕德)所描述的哈佛大学的使命:让毕业生们不断成长,超越自我。这种成长并非仅仅是为了每个人自身的利益,更是为了他人和整个世界——这也是这所大学一直以来努力为之奋斗的使命。

  There is yet another danger we should note as well. Self-absorption may obscure not only our responsibilities to others but our dependence upon them. And this is troubling for Harvard, for higher education and for fundamental social institutions whose purposes and necessity we forget at our peril.


  Why do we even need college, critics demand? Can’t we do it all on our own? Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, has urged students to drop out and has even subsidized them – including several of our undergraduates– to leave college and pursue their individual entrepreneurial dreams. Afterall, the logic goes, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates dropped out and they seem to have done OK. Well, yes.

  为什么我们还需要大学?批评家们问道:我们就不能全靠自学吗?硅谷创业家Peter Thiel(彼得·蒂尔)敦促学生们辍学,甚至还给予他们经济补助,让他们辍学创业——这其中也包括我们哈佛的一些本科生。毕竟,从逻辑上来讲,马克·扎克伯格和比尔·盖茨都辍学了,他们似乎都很成功。事实如此,没错。

  But we should remember: Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg had Harvard to drop out of. Harvard to serve as the place where their world-changing discoveries were born. Harvard and institutions like it to train the physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, business analysts, lawyers, and thousands of other skilled individuals upon whom Facebook and Microsoft depend.


  Harvard to enlighten public servants to lead a country in which Facebook, Microsoft, and companies like them can thrive. Harvard to nurture the writers and filmmakers and journalists who create the storied “content” that gives the Internet its substance.


  And wemust recognize as well that universities have served as sources of discoveries essential to the work of the companies advancing the revolutions in technology that have changed our lives – from early successesin creating and programming computers to development of prototypes that laid theground work for the now-ubiquitous touchscreen.


  Institutions embody our present and enduring connections to one other. They bring our disparate talents and capacities to the pursuit of commonpurpose. At the same time, they link us to both what has come before and what will follow. They are repositories of values – values that precede, transcend, and outlast the self. They challenge us to look beyond the immediate, the instantly gratifying, to think about the bigger picture, the longer run, the larger whole. They remind us that the world is only temporarily ours, that we are stewards entrusted with the past and responsible to the future. We are larger than ourselves and our selfies.


  That responsibility is quintessentially the work of universities – calling upon our shared human heritage to invent a new future – the future that will be created by the thousands of graduates who leave here today. Our work is about that on going commitment – not to a single individual or even one generation or one era – but to a larger world and to the service of the age that is waiting before it.


  In 1884, my predecessor Charles William Eliot unveiled a statue of John Harvard and spoke of the good that can come from the study of what we might call the “enlarged” life of the man whose name this university bears.

  1884年,我的前辈、Charles William Eliot(查尔斯·威廉·艾略特)校长为约翰·哈佛雕像揭幕,并谈到研究约翰·哈佛——这位冠名了这所大学的人——“波澜壮阔”的一生带来的启发。

  Eliot said: “He will teach that the good which men do lives after them, fructified and multiplied beyond all power of measurement o rcomputation. He will teach that from the seed which he planted … have sprung joy, strength, and energy ever fresh, blooming year after year in this garden of learning, and flourishing … as time goes on, in all fields of human activity.”


  In other words, that statue we paraded past this afternoon is not simply a monument to an individual, but to a community and an institution constantly renewing itself. Your presence here today represents an act of connection and of affirmation of that communityand of this institution. It is a recognition of Harvard’s capacity to propel you toward lives and worlds beyond your own. I thank you for the commitment that brought you here today and for all it means and sustains. I wish you joy, strength, and energy ever fresh.


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