
英国文化:传统丰盛英式早餐 这么吃怕是要长肉

英国镜报2015-09-15 16:06沪江

  The nation’s favourite breakfast drink? Tea, of course. Some 55% of the UK has a cup of tea when it eats a Full English breakfast. Second favourite is fresh orange juice (41%) and in third is coffee (35%).


  Jo Hudson added: “Our research also discovered that far from being unadventurous, Brits are happy to chance their arm and try new things for breakfast. Lobster Benedict, Eggs Benedict, Breakfast Burgers, Egg & Marmite Soldiers, Salmon & Scrambled Eggs – more than a third of the nation (34%) have tried all these.


  History of the full English


  The first English Breakfast was mentioned in recipes around 1840 but the menu was not fixed it could include halibut, whiting, figs, pheasant, kidneys on toast, and pork pie”.


  That legend of the cookbook Mrs Beeton in her household management book of 1861 recorded breakfast as: “The following list of hot dishes may perhaps assist our readers in knowing what to provide for the comfortable meal called breakfast. Broiled fish, such as mackerel, whiting, herrings, dried haddocks, mutton chops and rump-steaks, broiled sheep’s kidneys, kidneys à la maître d’hôtel, sausages, plain rashers of bacon, bacon and poached eggs, ham and poached eggs, omelets, plain boiled eggs, oeufs-au-plat, poached eggs on toast, muffins, toast, marmalade, butter.”


  During the Second World War due to a shortage of bacon and eggs breakfast became a rare luxury but by 1956 half the British population were still having a cooked breakfast even if it was just a boiled egg.


  An Ulster version includes potato bread and soda farls, Welsh includes laverbread, eaten fried with bacon and cockles. In the North Midlands, oatcakes sometimes replace fried bread and the Scots includes tattie scones and Lorne sausage.


  A typical full English has approximately 1190 calories.


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