
2015年歪果仁最讨厌的10大词 你中枪?

沪江2016-01-08 09:59芒果

  6.Break the Internet

  A phrase that is annoying online word-watchers around the world.



  An annoying bit of hyperbole about the latest saucy picture or controversy that is already becoming trite.


  7.Walk it back

  A slower back-pedal?



  "It seems as if every politician who makes a statement has to 'walk it back', meaning retract the statement, or explain it in laborious detail to the extent that the statement no longer has any validity or meaning once it has been 'walked back'"-Max Hill.

  这个短语好像每个做陈述的政治家都会“walk it back”,意思就是撤回声明,或者非常详细的解释一旦被'walked back'(撤回)这个声明不再有任何效力和意义。-Max Hill


  This shortened form of 'press release' and 'press conference' is not so impressive.

  “press release”(媒体报道)和“press conference”(新闻发布会)这两个简称不是那么深得人心。


  Not only is there no intelligent connection between the word 'presser' and its supposed meaning, this word already has a definition: a person or device that removes wrinkles. Let's either say ‘press conference’ or ‘press release’ or come up with something more original, intelligent and interesting!-Constance Kelly.

  “不但Presser和它想表明的含义之间没有什么明确联系,而且这个词原本已经有“压制工”或者“压榨机”的意思了。要么说“press release”(媒体报道)或“press conference”(新闻发布会)”,要么就和原始的、机智的和有趣的事物联系起来。-Constance Kelly

  9.Giving me life

  The phrase refers to anything that may excite a person, or something that causes one to laugh.





  We had to include one for the sports fans. John Kollig of Jamestown, N.Y., says this is overused by every sports broadcaster and writer.

  我们得为体育爱好者选这个单词。John Kollig说,几乎每个体育播音员或撰稿人都爱滥用这个单词。


  “I am not sure who is responsible, but over the last 12-18 months you cannot watch a sporting event, listen to a sports talk show on radio, or anything on ESPN without someone using this term to attempt to describe an athlete or a contest.”-Dan Beitzel.

  不知道谁该为这个词负责。但在过去的一年多,只要你看体育赛事、听体育节目,任何体育频道里,都有人用这个词来形容某个运动员或比赛。-Dan Beitzel.

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