新东方网整理2017-12-28 16:52
一带一路 The Belt and Road
海外代购 Overseas shopping representative
免税店 Duty free shop
多次往返签证 Multiple entry visa
自由行 Independent travel
空中上网 In flight WIFI
跟团游 Package tour
深度游 In-depth travel
自驾游 Self-driving tour
无现金支付 Cashless payment
中国梦 Chinese dream
不忘初心 Never forget why you started / Stay true to the mission
小康社会 A moderately prosperous society
自贸试验区 Pilot free trade zone
医疗改革 Medical reform
扫脸支付 Face scan payment
人工智能 Artificial intelligence
共享经济 Sharing economy
一小时通勤圈 One-hour commuting circle
低碳城市 Low carbon city
旺季 Peak season
淡季 Low season / Off season
打车软件 Taxi hailing APP
代驾服务 Designated driver service
带薪休假 Paid leave
直播 Live stream
二孩经济 Second-child economy
宜居城市 Habitable city
创新型人才 Innovative talent
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