新东方网整理2018-05-17 13:56
Our country is deeply divided—and too many Americans refuse to hear any opinion that differs from their own.
Our planet is warming with devastating consequences—and there are some who deny it’s even happening.
Our schools and communities suffer from deep inequality—we fail to guarantee every student the right to a good education.
And yet we are not powerless in the face of these problems. You are not powerless to fix them.
No generation has ever held more power than yours. And no generation has been able to make change happen faster than yours can. The pace at which progress is possible has accelerated dramatically. Aided by technology, every individual has the tools, potential, and reach to build a better world.
That makes this the best time in history to be alive. Whatever you choose to do with your life…Wherever your passion takes you.
I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it.
I didn’t always see life as clearly as I do now. But I’ve learned the greatest challenge of life is knowing when to break with conventional wisdom.
Don’t just accept the world you inherit today.Don’t just accept the status quo.
No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to think different.
没有无法突破的挑战、没有永远不会进步的人,大家要敢于尝试不同的东西,要敢于“非同凡想”(Think Different)。
I was lucky to learn from someone who believed this deeply. Someone who knew that changing the world starts with “following a vision, not a path.” He was my friend and mentor, Steve Jobs.
Steve’s vision was that great ideas come from a restless refusal to accept things as they are. And those principles still guide us at Apple today.
We reject the notion that global warming is inevitable. That’s why we run Apple on 100% renewable energy.
We reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology means trading away your right to privacy. So we choose a different path: Collecting as little of your data as possible. Being thoughtful and respectful when it’s in our care. Because we know it belongs to you.
In every way, at every turn, the question we ask ourselves is not ‘what can we do’ but ‘what should we do’.
Because Steve taught us that’s how change happens. And from him I learned to never be content with things as they are.
I believe this mindset comes naturally to young people…and you should never let go of that restlessness.
So today’s ceremony isn’t just about presenting you with a degree, it’s about presenting you with a question.
How will you challenge the status quo? How will you push the world forward?
Fifty years ago today—May 13th, 1968—Robert Kennedy was campaigning in Nebraska, and spoke to a group of students who were wrestling with that same question.
50年前的今天,1968年5月13日,罗伯特.肯尼迪(Robert Kennedy)在内斯加州参加竞选,同样与一群备受困扰的学生们进行了交谈。
Those were troubled times, too. The U.S. was at war in Vietnam. There was violent unrest in America’s cities. And the country was still reeling from the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King a month earlier.
这是非常困难的时期,当时美国在越南处于战争状态,在美国国内的城市里也爆发了暴力和骚乱。一个月之前,马丁.路德金(Martin Luther King)博士被害,这个国家蹒跚前行。
Kennedy gave the students a call to action. When you look across this country, and when you see peoples’ lives held back by discrimination and poverty… when you see injustice and inequality. He said, you should be the last people to accept things as they are.
Let Kennedy’s words echo here today.
“You should be the last people to accept [it].”Whatever path you’ve chosen…Be it medicine, business, engineering, the humanities—whatever drives your passion.
Be the last to accept the notion that the world you inherit cannot be improved.
Be the last to accept the excuse that says, “that’s just how things are done here.” Duke graduates, you should be the last people to accept it. And you should be the first to change it.
你们要做最后接受“完成工作必须要这样”的借口 的那个人。杜克大学的毕业生们,除了最后一个放弃努力之外,还应该是第一个改变它的人。
The world-class education you’ve received—that you’ve worked so hard for—gives you opportunities that few people have.