

奇速英语2019-03-06 14:29

  have (has, had, had) [hæv] vt.有;吃;喝;进行;经受

  have (got) to 必须,不得不

  have ... on 穿着(表状态,无进行时态)

  He had a red jacket on.

  have sth done 使某事被做

  Is this the watch you have repaired?

  She had her bag stolen.

  have sb do 让某人去做某事

  Who do you have type the letter?

  have something/nothing to do with… 与......有/没有关系

  have sb doing… 使某人一直做某事(与cannot/won’t连用表示不能容忍…...)

  I have my students listening attentively. 我使学生们听得入神。

  I can’t have people arriving late all the time. 我不能忍受人们总是迟到。

  hawk [hɔːk] n. 鹰

  hay [heɪ] n.作饲料用的干草

  he [heɪ] pron. 他

  head [hed] n. 头;头脑(像);才智;首脑;源头;标题 a. 头部的;主要的;首席的 v. 率领;加标题;用头顶;出发;(船等)驶向

  use your head 动动脑筋

  hold one’s head high趾高气扬

  from head to foot/ toe从头到脚

  hit sb. on the head 击中某人的头

  head for sp.前往某地

  headache [ˈhedeɪk] n. 头疼

  headline [ˈhedlaɪn] n.(报刊的)大字标题

  headmaster [hedˈmɑːstə(r)] n. (英)中小学校长

  headmistress ['hed'mistrɪs] n. 女校长

  headteacher n. 中小学班主任

  health [helθ] n. 健康, 卫生

  healthy adj. 健康的

  in good/bad health

  keep healthy healthy diet

  healthy [ˈhelθɪ] a. 健康的, 健壮的


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