

奇速英语2019-03-06 14:29

  hospital [ˈhɔspɪt(ə)l] n. 医院

  host [həʊst] n. 主人;节目主持人 v. 做主人招待

  the host of the TV show

  host the party/meeting/Olympic games

  hostess [ˈhəʊstɪs] n. 女主人

  hot [hɔt,hɑt] a. 热的

  hot dog [hɔt- dɔɡ] n. 热狗(红肠面包)

  hotel [həʊˈtel] n. 旅馆, 饭店, 宾馆

  hour [ˈaʊə(r)] n. 小时

  house [haʊs] n. 房子;住宅

  housewife [ˈhaʊswaɪf] n. 家庭主妇

  housework [ˈhaʊswɜːk] n. 家务劳动

  how [haʊ] ad.怎样,如何;多少;多么

  however [haʊˈevə(r)] ad. 可是 conj. 然而, 可是, 尽管如此

  howl [haʊl] vi. 嚎叫, 嚎哭

  hug [hʌɡ] v. 拥抱

  They put their arms around each other and hugged.

  The track hugs the coast for a mile.

  hug n.

  He stopped to receive hugs and kisses from the fans.

  He gave her mother a big hug.

  huge [hjuːdʒ] a. 巨大的, 庞大的

  human [ˈhjuːmən] a. 人的, 人类的

  human being [ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ] 人

  humorous [ˈhjuːmərəs] a. 富于幽默的

  humour (美humor) ['hju:mə] n.幽默,幽默感

  humourous adj. 幽默的

  I can’t stand people with no sense of humor.

  They failed to see the humor of the situation.

  she thought it best to humor him rather than get into an argument.

  hundred [ˈhʌndrəd] num. 百

  hunger [ˈhʌŋɡə(r)] n. 饥饿

  hungry [ˈhʌŋɡrɪ] a. (饥)饿的

  hunt [hʌnt] vt. 寻找;狩猎, 猎取

  Lions sometimes hunt alone.

  Whales are being hunted and killed.

  She is hunting for a new job.

  Police are hunting for an escaped criminal.

  hunt sb down 跟踪某人

  hunt out 找出

  hunter [ˈhʌntə(r)] n. 猎人

  hurricane [ˈhʌrɪkən] n. 飓风, 十二级风

  hurry [ˈhʌrɪ] vi. 赶快;急忙

  hurry sb up 催促某人

  hurry up 快点,赶快

  in a hurry 赶快

  hurt (hurt, hurt) [hɜːt] vt. 伤害, 受伤;伤人感情

  hurt one’s feelings

  hurt one’s leg

  be badly hurt

  My leg hurts.

  Where does it hurt? 哪疼?

  husband [ˈhʌzbənd] n. 丈夫

  hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒ(ə)n] n. 氢


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