

新东方网整理2019-03-19 15:30

    →强调句的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 1. 强调句的一般疑问句基本句型是:

  IsWas + it + that +句子其他成分?

  Did he see you in the office just now? -- Was it in the office that he saw you just now?


  Does he often go to the library Is it to the library that he often goes


  2. 强调句的特殊疑问句的基本句型是:特殊疑问词+ iswas + it + that + 句子其他成分

  When did you first go to the Great Wall? -- When was it that you first went to the Great Wall?你究竟什么时候第一次去长城的?

  Where did you go last night -- Who was it that told you about it 究竟是谁告诉你这件事的?

  Why did you keep silent at the meeting? -- Why was it that you kept silent at the meeting?


    3. 含有情态动词强调句的疑问句结构:  ① 一般疑问句基本句型是:情态动词或助动词+it+be+被强调的部分+that+句子其他成分?  Could he be killed at home  他是在家被杀的吗?  --Could it be at home that he was killed   他被杀的地方会是在家里吗?  Might she leave her keys in the office   也许她把钥匙丢在办公室了  --Might ti be in the office that she left her keys?  也许她把钥匙丢在办公室了

    ②特殊疑问句基本句型是:特殊疑问词+情态动词或助动词+it+be+that+主语+句子其他成分  Where might the accident happen?   -- Where might it be that the accident happened?可能是在什么地方发生这个事故的?  Who can it be in the office now?   -- Who can it be that is in the office now?现在还在办公室里的会是谁呢?  B. what引导的强调结构

    用“what从句 + be + 被强调成分”或“被强调成分 + be + what从句”表示强调。  John wants a good rest. 约翰想要好好休息一下。  --What John wants is a good rest. 约翰想要的是好好休息一下。  或: A good rest is what John wants. 好好休息一下正是约翰想要的事。(比较少见)  I'd like you to work on Exercise Two on Page 38. 我要你们做38页上的练习二。  -- What I'd like you to work on is Exercise Two on Page 38. 我要你们做的作业是38页上的练习二。  I need two books. 我要两本书。  -- What I need are two books. 我要的是两本书。(注意谓语动词的数)  注意:  在这种强调句型中,除了what外,人们很少使用其他连词。  避免说:Where you should play football is the play ground, not the classroom.  最好说:The place where you should play football is the playground, not the classroom. 你们踢足球的地方是操场,而不是教室。  避免说:When I read English aloud is early morning.  最好说:The time I read English aloud is early morning. 我是在清晨朗读英语。  避免说:Why she was absent from class was that she was feeling unwell.  最好说:The reason why she was absent from class was that she was feeling unwell. 她缺课的原因是她身体不好。

  三. 语音手段

   在口语中,人们可以根据交流的需要,通过语句重音来对不同的词语进行强调。例如 She speaks English well 这句话,可以通过语句重音来分别对不同的词进行强调。  A Shall we ask Jennifer or Robin to host the English evening party  B Of course Jennifer. She speaks English well. (重读She,强调“她”)  A Jennifer's been living in Australia for two years.  B She speaks English well but her writing is not very good. (重读speaks,强调“说”)  A Jennifer speaks French beautifully.  B She speaks English well, too. (重读English,强调“英语”)  A Do you think Jennifer is fit for the job  B Certainly. She speaks English well. (重读well,强调“好”)



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