
从奥斯卡到艾美奖 这些名字背后的故事你知道吗?(双语)

沪江2019-09-29 11:14

  The Emmy Awards


  The Primetime Emmy Awards, for those who have trouble keeping track, are the ones for television. The annual award is administered by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS), and the statuette depicts a winged woman holding what appears to be a gyroscope but is, in fact, an atom.


  The trophy was designed by TV engineer Louis McManus in 1948, who famously modeled the trophy after his wife.

  奖杯是由电视工程师路易斯·麦克马纳斯(Louis McManus)于1948年设计的,他以妻子为原型设计了奖杯。

  It’s rumored that ATAS founder Syd Cassyd first thought about calling the award the Ike, a nickname for the television iconoscope tube.

  有传言说,ATAS的创始人赛德·卡西德(Syd Cassyd)首先考虑将这一奖项称为电视影像管的昵称“ 艾克”。

  However, Ike was also the commonly used nickname for war hero and future president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

  但是,艾克还是战争英雄和未来总统艾森豪威尔(Dwight D. Eisenhower)的常用昵称。

  So an alternate name, the Immy, after the image orthicon tube, was suggested by former Academy Director, Henry Lubcke. The name was later feminized to Emmy to match the statuette’s female image.

  因此,原正像管导演亨利·卢布克(Henry Lubcke)提出了一个名字,即图像正析象管之后的艾美(Immy)。这个名字后来被女性化为艾美奖,以匹配小雕像的女性形象。

  Grammy Awards


  The youngest of the bunch, the Grammy Awards are presented each year by the Recording Academy, formerly the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS).


  Founded as a byproduct of a 1950s project to award Hollywood Walk of Fame stars to deserving members of the recording industry, the Grammys were created to be the music’s answer to the Oscars and the Emmys, and they honor musical achievements from the preceding year.


  NARAS first considered calling the award The Eddie, after phonograph inventor Thomas Edison.

  留声机的发明者托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)之后,NARAS首先考虑称其为The Eddie。

  But they opted instead to name the award after the gramophone, invented by Emile Berliner, shortening it to the familiar Grammy. The award itself is a gold-plated statuette of Berliner’s iconic record player.

  但是他们却选择了以埃米尔·柏林纳(Emile Berliner)发明的留声机命名该奖项,将其缩写为熟悉的格莱美奖。该奖项本身就是柏林人的标志性电唱机的镀金小雕像。

  Fun fact: Since the personalized trophies don’t get doled out until after the award ceremony, the trophies we see during the Grammys are dummies they reuse each year. At least they’ve maintained their luster.



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