www.apple.com2015-08-07 14:09朱梦琦
Clocky Robotic Alarm机器人闹钟
What better way to wake your sleephead up than to make you run around after a small, fast, noisy thing like this little gem. Clocky, with its all-terrain features, will escape from your night stand, and run around your room while making the annoying beep-beep sound until you catch it and turn it off – or kill it with fire. For the heavy sleeper, you’d probably need more than one. [$49.99 – $59.99]
没有比让你追着一个敏捷的吵吵嚷嚷的小东西跑更能让你清醒的方式了。机器人闹钟,可以奔跑于任何地面,会从你的床柜上逃跑,一边弄出哔哔的烦人声音一边绕着你的屋子四处转,除非你抓住并关掉它——或者是扔进火里一了百了。觉皇们,你们可能需要不只一个这种小家伙。[$49.99 – $59.99]