
2016新年新开始 17件小事轻松get更好的生活

The Huffington Post2016-02-14 14:28

  11. Stop worrying.

  11. 不要担忧

  Most of the time all those horrible, traumatic scenarios that we concoct in our heads never end up happening. Save yourself the trouble and stop worrying, especially if it's something you have no control over.


  12. Make mistakes. Learn from them.

  12. 勇于犯错,汲取教训

  Here's something I learned from school that actually applies in the real world: you never fail until you stop trying. As long as you are making mistakes and learning from them, you are on the track to success.


  13. Disconnect every once in a while.

  13. 偶尔玩个消失

  Turn your phone off for a week and tell me you don't feel more alive. If you can't go as far as to cut all ties with technology, at least take a brief hiatus from social media.


  14. Laugh. As much as you can, as often as you can.

  14. 笑。笑得越开心越好、越频繁越好

  I'm a firm believer that laughter can cure most ailments. Go see that romantic comedy you've been meaning to watch, hangout with that hilarious friend from high school, laugh until you cry.


  15. Get a good night's rest.

  15. 晚上好好休息

  This is truly imperative to your well being, not just physically, but mentally, as well. You should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more. If you find yourself catching less shut eye, make a conscious effort to turn off all electronics an hour before bed so you have some time to relax & unwind.


  16. Make it a goal to make someone smile every day.

  16. 把给人带来微笑当做每天的一个任务

  It doesn't have to be something extravagant. It truly is the little things that mean the most in life - such as smiling at a passerby, complimenting someone on a feature or outfit, or even holding the door open for the person behind you.


  17. Start a gratitude journal.

  17. 开始写感恩日志

  Write down five positive things that happen to you each day, and five things you are looking forward to in the future.


  I know that if you are truly struggling, happiness will not happen overnight. However, if you work to implement these positive life changes each and every day, I guarantee things will eventually get better.




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