

21英语网2015-01-12 14:35


  八国集团首脑会议(G8 Summit)由西方七国首脑会议演变而来,2014最终又回归成了原先的七国。俄罗斯是最后一个入伙的,却是第一个被赶出来的。原因则是今年三月克里米亚并入了俄罗斯。孤立、制裁神马的自然是少不了的,而且那七国还得抱团讨论着…… 首脑会议八缺一,G8成员国减少了12.5%。

  12.5 percent: Decline in the membership of what used to be the Group of 8 leading industrialized democracies—the group's largest and only decline ever. After Russia was kicked out of the exclusive club following Crimea’s incorporation into Russia, the G8 became the G7. Russia had been the last member to join the exclusive club and the first to go; the group is now back to its 1998 membership.


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