

21英语网2015-01-12 14:35


  相比去年,今年全球的工业机器人设备数量预计有望增长15%, 这是要超过2013年机器人销量峰值的节奏。在某种程度上,这与制造业自动化的普及有很大关系。据说,中国是全球机器人最大的买主。不过,这里要说明的是,工业机器人并非形似人类,那种跟人类很像的机器人英文叫android。

  15 percent: Expected increase in industrial robot installations worldwide since last year. This year’s on track to break 2013’s record of the highest number of industrial robots ever sold, in part due to increasing automation in manufacturing. China leads the world in industrial robot purchases. Note, as Merriam-Webster’s Concise Encyclopedia does, that “industrial robots do not resemble human beings; a robot in human form is called an android."


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