新东方网2015-05-11 15:36吉林新东方朱博
这一集,Bonnie lost her job. (好吧,我知道有人的反应是“她居然有工作!”) Anyway, 对于这位alcoholic来说,这样的打击…… 我们又有好戏看了!
make (both) ends meet
收支相抵,量入为出(to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need)。比如:
Many families struggle to make ends meet.
save something for a rainy day
把某物,尤其是钱,存起来以备不时之需(to save something, especially money, for a time when you will really need it)。
walk somebody through something
这个表达有种“手把手教,从头到尾捋一遍”的感觉(to help somebody learn or become familiar with something, by showing them each stage of the process in turn)本片里就是You want me to walk you through what it was like around here when you were drinking? 再比如:
She walked me through a demonstration of the software.
run off with somebody = run off (together) = run away with somebody
这个表达就是传说中的“私奔”了(to leave home, your husband, wife, etc. in order to have a relationship with another person)。比如:
She ran away with her boss.
She and her boss ran away together.