新东方网整理2015-05-29 16:06
Don’t you dare!
这个是句强烈的禁止,可以翻译成“你敢…!”(It’s used to tell somebody strongly not to do something). 比如:
‘I'll tell her about it.’ ‘Don't you dare!’
Don’t you dare say anything to anybody.
还有一句感情色彩特别像的,叫做How dare you!可以翻译成“你竟胆敢酱!”(It’s used to show that you are angry about something that somebody has done.)例如:
How dare you talk to me like that?
backfire (on somebody)
这个单词表示“逆火,发生事与愿违的结果”(to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results).比如:
Unfortunately the plan backfired.
fist bump
这个词不用解释了吧,当年大白的fist bump不知道萌翻了多少人啊!请看下图帮助记忆。