

新东方网2015-12-23 15:14朱博

  如果大家对英国文化或者性感的British accent特别着迷,那么Anglophenia绝对是一档不能错过的节目,它专门介绍英国文化、语言、习俗、俚语相关的内容,每集用5分钟左右的时间,带大家领略英伦风情。Kate Arnell是Anglophenia在YouTube频道上的新任主持人,她的纯正腔调迷倒了万千粉丝。如果你钟情英国文化,或者打算去英国留学,快去上网搜索她的节目!

  Kate Arnell在她出任主持人的第一期节目里介绍了有关British home的小常识,指出了英美家居的大不同,并且教授了大家超地道的英式表达,强烈推荐给各位哦!

  Now let’s take a look:


  Come on in. I’ve just put the kettle on.

  英国人有事儿没事儿就干的事儿是啥呀?当然是喝茶啦!所以Kate烧水做什么呢?当然是沏茶(make a cup of tea)啦!

  她首先带客人参观的是Kitchen。客人很好奇为啥厨房里有个washing machine,Kate解释道:“It’s quite normal to have a washing machine in the kitchen in most UK homes. No matter how small the place is, we can usually squeeze one in. You see, we don’t have any plug sockets in the bathroom, and we have a general lack of space, so you’ll usually find it in the kitchen.”这里大家肯定有个大大的疑问:为啥bathroom里没有插座?不要着急,等下Kate会解释。

  下一站是bathroom。美语的bathroom是洗手间,可以answer nature’s call的地方,不过Kate带客人去的房间,按照她的说法是“the room with the bath”。Bathroom里灯的开关是通过拉绳控制,这样就会stops any wet hands coming into contact with electricity. 完全是出于安全考虑,这样就不会有一不小心的electric shocks。同样出于安全考虑的地方,就是bathroom里面没有插座,这样是不是解答了大家刚才的疑惑呢?

  Kate感觉客人想要去的房间不是bathroom,才恍然大悟,“Oh, you need to spend a penny.”这里是纯英式的表达,意思就是to use the toilet。还有很多在美国不太会听到的表示“洗手间”的表达,例如:toilet,lavatory,loo,ladies or gents(这里偷偷的告诉大家,在美国john也表示toilet的意思,很搞笑哦)。

  她抱歉地跟客人解释:“You see, during Victorian Times, they moved the toilet from outside the home to inside. And then later on with the addition of running water was the bathroom added, so the toilet and bathroom aren’t always one in the same.”

  在洗手间里,Kate向客人介绍了英国特色的冷热水分开的水龙头(separate hot and cold water taps)。大家也可能注意到,洗手池的英式叫法是basin,在美国我们可能会听到sink。她解释道这种形式的水龙头历史悠久,但很多现代的家居也一直保留着这种出水方式:“This dates back to when a lot of houses had separate hot water tanks which could get easily contaminated. So to stop that water mixing with the clean fresh cold water supply, we had separate taps. Nowadays though, most houses don’t have a separate hot water tap, it’s fine to have a mixed tap. But there’s something about separate taps that us Brits just seem to find rather charming. So you’ll still find them in a lot of modern homes.”

  方便过后,客人想给手机充电(charge the phone),于是adaptor(适配器)这个出国必备单品派上了用场。因为“Our plugs are very different in the UK compared to what you have in America. We’ve got three pins on our plugs instead of two. And all of our plug sockets have an on/off switch.”

  在Kate介绍完插座使用守则之后呢,客人有些热,吹起了手持电风扇。此时Kate再次倍感抱歉,因为她家里没有空调(air conditioning)。在阴雨绵绵的London,很少有让大家感觉热的时候吧。她跟客人说,如果觉得人,就开窗吧,不过不要开得太大哦(not to leave it open too wide),否则会飞进来一屋子的鸽子。(London真是神奇的地方呢……)



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