
英语聊星座 :意志坚定的摩羯座(双语)

新东方网2015-12-28 11:24谢昕呈





  /ˋkæprɪˏkɔrn/ 摩羯座

  【原文】Combining a strong wit and a love of humor, the Capricorn makes for terrific company for those they choose as friends. They will surround themselves with people who are honest, loyal, and like-minded when it comes to working values.

  They cherish loved ones and will go any distance to help a friend or family member out. Traditional by nature, the Capricorn loves nothing more than holidays, such as Christmas, that bring people together with a variety of activities.

  Although a Capricorn isn't apt to have a large social circle, those included in this sign's life will find someone who is steadfast and true. Emotional displays are not common for a Capricorn. They would rather show how they feel through deed than express by word.


  1. wit 风趣;妙语

  【例】have a ready wit 随时能说俏皮话

  (来源:Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary)

  2. make for 使成为可能

  【例】A happy parent makes for a happy child. 父母快乐孩子才能快乐。

  (来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition)

  3. like-minded 志趣相投的;志同道合的

  【例】a chance to meet like-minded people 一个与志趣相投的人见面的机会

  (来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

  4. apt to 有……的倾向;有……的可能

  【例】Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays. 有些员工有周一上班迟到的倾向。

  (来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

  5. steadfast 忠诚的;坚定不移的

  【例】be steadfast to one's principles 坚持自己的原则

  (来源:Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary)




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