

新东方网2016-04-26 16:44朱博

  《功夫熊猫3》除了Po的耍宝卖萌,更少不了Master Shifu这位哲学担当的鸡汤。后来我们发现,不光是师傅,爸爸的台词也开始耐人回味,甚至后来Po也开始顿悟,于是练就了绝世气功。所以,我们这里就来回顾一下,这部电影里出现的值得一学的哲理小段子吧!


  Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.

  这应该是功夫的最高境界了吧!但谁知,师傅是用它来强调dramatic entrance的重要性的……


  There’s always something more to learn. Even for a Master.

  对,这个就是我们常说的“学海无涯”!这里要补充一个大家可能常犯的翻译错误,就是You live and learn. 很多人把它解释成“活到老,学到老”,但其实它的作用是express surprise at something new or unexpected you have been told. 是在学会或得知某个新知识后的一句感叹,可理解为“可真是长见识了!”,尤其是那些已经经历很多,认为自己应该什么都懂的人,偶然学得新的东西时,就会这样感慨一句。


  If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be more than you are now.

  这里面再介绍一个表达叫做comfort zone, which means a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder or achieve more. 就是有点儿“选择安逸不思进取”的感觉。例如:

  Stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things can be a great experience.

  I'll tell you what drives me crazy—people who have talent but cruise along in the comfort zone.


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