
英语情景交际:I have a question

2020-04-22 15:49

  Bruce: Excuse me, Ms Wong, I have a question.


  Ms Wong: OK.(说吧。)

  Bruce: I don't know this word. Can you teach me?


  Ms Wong: Oh, this word is “aunt”. It means the sisters of your mother.


  Bruce: Oh, I get it. Thank you, Ms Wong.


  Ms Wong: My pleasure. Bruce, let me teach you how to use dictionary.


  Bruce: That's great. Thank you.


  Ms Wong: Here is a dictionary. First, you find the first letter of the word, it’s “A”. And then, you look for the second letter of the word in list A. It’s letter “U”, and so on.


  Bruce: OK, I get it. Thank you, Ms Wong.


  Ms Wong: You are welcome.




  question 问题

  know 知道

  word 单词

  teach 教;教给

  aunt 阿姨;婶婶;姨母

  sister 姐姐;妹妹;姐妹

  mother 妈妈

  pleasure 荣幸

  dictionary 字典

  first 首先;第一的

  second 其次;第二的


  My pleasure. 是我的荣幸。


  I get it. 我懂了。


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