
豆瓣8.7《棒!少年》华语评分第一 网友:比剧情片更精彩的纪录片!

新东方网2020-12-25 13:51apple













  原本纪录片是打算记录六个孩子的故事,在拍摄过程中决定以马虎和梁正双为"主角",他们分别代表着两种截然不同的个性。马虎这条线相对而言更加活泼、生动,因为马虎人如其名,他就是一个虎头虎脑、性格也特别虎的孩子。梁正双的性格与马虎恰好相反,他沉稳内敛,但敏感多思,什么想法都是自己藏起来。懂事早慧的他,在棒球基地训练一直很刻苦,也是队里的主力投手。 在这里不过多剧透了,喜欢的朋友可以去电影院观看。

  英文来源China Daily

  A group of children from poverty stricken areas from across the country gathered on the outskirts of Beijing. Once, they were confused and challenged by difficulties, unimaginable for many of their contemporaries who were used to a comfortable way of life.

  Thanks to a charity program launched by Sun Lingfeng, former captain of China's national men's baseball team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, these "children in dilemma", as he describes them-many of whom are orphans, the children of prisoners or those left behind by parents who have gone missing-now see a silver lining.

  In 2015, Sun began to recruit children aged between 7 and 9 from poor families to a special baseball team. Criteria for selection is not based on their sporting ability, but on their living conditions.

  "I know about baseball, it's all I can offer them," Sun says. "Poverty cannot deprive children of the chance to prove themselves. They deserve an equal opportunity with others."

  The children will be sponsored to take part in Sun's baseball training camp and study at a nearby school until they turn 18, as Sun promised. He has given the program a poetic name-"angels of baseball power".

  In spite of years of continuous devotion, Sun's story is not widely known by the general public, probably due to baseball's relatively low popularity in China compared with other sports.

  However, a new documentary about these resilient children, who refuse to surrender to a seemingly bleak fate, has changed everything.


  1、poverty stricken 贫穷 ; 贫困的

  poverty-stricken region 贫困地区

  2、outskirt 郊区,市郊

  Leisure, them gather a, go to outskirt to step spring.


  3、contemporary n. 同代人,同龄人;

  4、dilemma n. 困境;进退两难;两刀论法

  He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.


  5、recruit n. 招聘;新兵;新成员 v. 征募;聘用;通过招募组建;

  He is hoping to recruit a chairman from outside the company.


  6、criteria n. 标准,条件(criterion 的复数)

  It is hard to make out what criteria are used.



  Baseball is America's national sport. So it is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball. But first, let me explain a little about the game.


  1 投手 Pitcher / P

  2 捕手 Catcher / C

  3 一垒手 First-Base Man / 1B

  4 二垒手 Second-Base Man / 2B

  5 三垒手 Third-Base Man / 3B

  6 游击手 Shortstop/ SS

  7 左外野 Left-Fielder / LF

  8 中外野 Center-Fielder / CF

  9 右外野 Right-Fielder / RF

  Running局数,上下叫top/bottom,比如一般广告回来解说会说:"bottom of the 7th"

  Run得分,跑回垒就是一个run,基本当名词用,一般会说:"score a run"




  1、on the ball:机灵,有见识,在行。

  这个词组源于20世纪早期的美国棒球运动。如果一名投手出手不凡,为对方的接球手制造了不少“麻烦”的话,我们称之为have a lot on the ball,后来逐渐演变为今天的含义:有能力应对即将出现的局面。

  2、threw a curve ball:戏弄或使人惊讶,提及出人意料的事。

  curve 意为“曲线”,因此threw a curve ball意为“投出曲线球”。如果投手投出曲线球,球在空中方向会发生变化,击球手无法及时反应。因此“a curve ball”指“意外的难题”。

  3、step up to the plate:开始行动。

  在棒球运动的大菱形内场上,本垒(home plate),也可以简称为垒(plate)。击球手就站在这块plate上面击球,英文的说法就是:step up to the plate。因此,该习语发展至今,就有了“开始行动,开始做某事”的意思了。

  4、strike out /three strikes and you are out:三振出局,淘汰出局。

  棒球比赛里有strike out这个说法(strike在棒球术语中指“未被击球手击中的球”)。如果一个击球手三次击球不中,他就strike out(三振出局)了。所以,strike out也可以引申为“一件事做了几次也不成功”的意思。

  5、hit a home run /hit it out of the park:(全垒打)全胜,漂亮一击。


  6、right off the bat:立即。

  棒球和球棒都十分坚硬,球棒一击中棒球,据说球速是每小时100英里,right off the bat就出自棒球一接触球棒立即飞离而去。

  7、go to bat for:伸出援手。

  Go to bat原来指轮到击球的人上前去击球。如果这名球员身体或者竞技状态欠佳,那么另一名球员就会go to bat for him,代替他去击球。





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