

新东方网2021-09-21 21:12

  当童话里的公主有了事业心,当王子不再想当国王,当后妈逼着灰姑娘嫁入王室,当两位姐姐也不再mean到面目狰狞,当不是所有姑娘都对王子感兴趣,当godmother是一位drag queen,并第一次对读者观众说了大实话—水晶鞋是玻璃做的,而且穿起来特!别!难!受!此时你便会知道,2021版本的灰姑娘,不再是王子解救公主的故事了!

  这部电影的豆瓣评分还不到6,但是看着海报上的那句“from the screenwriter of Pitch Perfect”以及主演Camila Cabello便知,它的soundtrack一定很出彩!即使不喜欢剧情,或是觉得王子不够帅,把它当成长篇MV也是不错的选择。

  因为题材原因,电影里出现的对白和歌词都通俗易懂,直白生动。例如王子在抱怨大家对他的看法时,就唱道:They say I’m going crazy. They say I got a lot of water in my brain. 嗯,一下子知道“脑子进水”怎么说了!


  1. “All I know is love will save the day.”

  save the day / situation = to prevent failure or defeat, when this seems certain to happen. 例如:

  Gerrard’s late goal saved the day for Liverpool.

  Jones saved the day for England with a last-minute goal.

  I thought we’d have to cancel the birthday party, but John saved the day by dressing up as a clown and entertaining Tommy and his friends.

  2. “I’m curious, do you really need that cane?” “No, but chicks dig it.”

  dig = to approve of or like something very much. 例如:

  I really dig this music, man!

  I dig the way you stood up to that bully.

  3. “I just wanted to check in on you and make sure that your blossoming daughters are managing.” “Makes my skin crawl.” “Mine, too.” “I’m into it.”

  check in on somebody / something = to actively monitor the security or safety of a person or thing. 例如:

  Before I meet you at the mall, I need to check in on my grandmother to make sure she’s feeling OK.

  make your skin / flesh crawl = to make you feel afraid or full of disgust. 例如:

  Just the sight of him makes my skin crawl.

  The way he looked at me made my flesh crawl.

  The mere mention of cockroaches makes her flesh crawl.

  be into something / somebody = to be interested in somebody or something in an active way. 例如:

  He’s into surfing in a big way.

  We had a couple really nice dates together, but I’m just not that into him.

  Jean’s been very into photography lately, and she’s pretty darn good at it!

  4. “Fortune has smiled upon this house. My daughters have a suitor!”

  smile upon/on somebody = if luck, fate, etc. smiles on you, you are lucky or successful. 例如:

  Fate smiled on me and I got the job.

  Lady luck smiled on our venture and we made a profit.

  Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck).

  5. “Your offer is intriguing, but I have no intention on settling down anytime soon.”

  settle down = to begin or settle into a life of stability, responsibility, and peace (typically by getting married). 例如:

  I never thought that John, who was always such a hell-raiser in college, would settle down with a wife, kids, and a 9-to-5 job.

  I was plenty wild in my youth. Now I’m ready to settle down.

  6. “You keep overlooking his behavior, and he’ll never grow out of it.”

  grow out of something = to stop doing something as you become older. 例如:

  Most children suck their thumbs but they grow out of it.

  I thought she would have grown out of temper tantrums by now.

  Haven’t you grown out of your fear of the dark yet?

  7. “That’s exactly what I can do. That’s the perk of being the king.”

  perk = a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group. 例如:

  Not having to get up early is just one of the perks of being retired.

  最后分享电影里印象最深的一句歌词:“If it’s a million to one, I’m gonna be that one. If it’s a shot in the dark, I’m gonna be the sun.” 如果只有百万分之一的可能,那么我就要做那个可能!如果只是黑暗中的尝试摸索,那么我就自己作为太阳照亮前程。(a shot in the dark = a guess or something you do without knowing what the result will be)

  第一次见到童话里的女主成为career woman (a woman whose career is more important to her than getting married and having children), 当听到王子求婚说“You will live the rest of your life as royalty.”之后,她的第一反应居然是“Royalty? What about my work?” 真是太有正事儿了,独立女强人的表率!但是弹幕里肯定也会说“都嫁给王子了还work啥work”。






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