

新东方网2021-12-09 17:42朱博

  英文里有一个单词叫做euphemism,在字典里它的解释是an indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is. 其实就是把一个听起来比较harsh的表达变得稍微mild一些,跟我们的讲话委婉一些一个道理。比如字典里的例句:

  ‘User fees’ is just a politician’s euphemism for taxes.

  The prison camps were euphemistically called ‘retraining centers’.

  英文里有好多euphemism,最典型的就是用pass away替代die, 以及one’s passing替代one’s death. 就像中文里会把“死”替换成“去世”。无论在哪个文化里,die和death听起来都是沉痛又刺耳的表达。

  美剧《生活大爆炸》里的谢耳朵,就是euphemism的反例,他应该不知道什么叫做委婉,例如他常常提到intercourse,但其实正常的现代人都会用更合适的to sleep with somebody或者go all the way with somebody来表达。

  再比如,公司在裁员的时候,很少会直接跟员工说You’re fired. 这样听起来很冒犯人并且有点儿羞辱的味道。更多情况下他们会用We’re letting you go.或者The company is downsizing.来友善的表达要辞退某人的意图。(偶尔也会听到You’re offered a career change or an early retirement opportunity.)

  大文豪莎士比亚也在作品罗密欧与朱丽叶里用star-crossed lovers来形容这对命运不幸的恋人。


  1. thin on top

  当我们想说一个人发量比较少的时候,说“秃”有点儿太直白了,同理,用bald也不太好,所以可以用thin on top, 它的意思就是without much hair on the head,例如:

  He’s starting to get a little thin on top (= he’s losing his hair).

  2. financially challenged


  I’m financially challenged at the moment (= I have no money).

  3. powder one’s nose

  查字典的话,它会告诉你这个用法可能有点儿old-fashioned,不过了解一下也OK,它是有礼貌的指女士要去洗手间,同理,powder room也是女士洗手间的礼貌说法,例如:

  I’m just going to powder my nose.

  4. between jobs

  不想说自己待业在家,就用between jobs吧,即直白又委婉,听起来比unemployed好听多了。例如:

  Just tell the recruiter that you’re between jobs. She doesn’t need to know that you got fired!

  5. senior citizen

  对于退休的老年人,我们可以称呼他们为senior citizen,这样可以避免说他们old。就像我们在公共场所碰到老年人,最好不要叫大爷或者大娘,叫叔叔或阿姨显得情商高多了。如果是小朋友需要叫阿姨的时候怎么办呢?当然是叫姐姐了!

  6. answer the call of nature

  是个人就需要上厕所,这是自然规律,so the next time you feel the need to use the bathroom, just say – Excuse me, I need to answer the call of nature. 哈哈!

  7. adult beverage

  如果想说含酒精的音频又不好直说,就用adult beverage吧!

  8. big-boned


  I know that people think I have an eating problem, but really I’m just big-boned!

  9. lose one’s lunch


  I felt like I was going to lose my lunch from seasickness out on that boat.

  10. meet one’s Maker

  这里one’s Maker就是God,去见上帝,就是委婉的说die了,例如:

  Please stop speeding, I don’t want to meet my maker today!





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