

新东方网2022-03-01 22:53

  2022年的北京冬奥会,让我们认识了一位会飞的少年-苏翊鸣。在他夺冠后,中国国际电视台(CGTN = China Global Television Network)写了一篇报道China’s Su Yiming wins men’s snowboard big air gold at Beijing 2022. 这篇新闻稿用词言简意赅,虽然距离小苏夺冠已经过去很多天,但是回顾起来依然满是激动!


  Three days before turning 18, China’s Su Yiming received his first Olympic gold medal in the men’s snowboard big air final at the Beijing Winter Olympics on Tuesday.

  Su scored a jaw-dropping 93 points with a clean finish of a backside triple cork 1800 indy in his second run, leading the score with a combined 182.5 points.

  jaw-dropping = so large or good that it amazes you 好到让人惊掉下巴,例如:

  Wow! That was a jaw-dropping performance.

  The production is absolutely jaw dropping.

  Takeru Otsuka of Japan and Max Parrot of Canada spiced up the final and elevated the level of competitiveness after scoring 95 and 94 points, respectively, in the second run. Unfortunately, both fell on the ramp in their first attempt.

  spice something up (with something) = to add interest or excitement to something. 使某事变得更有趣、更刺激,例如:

  He exaggerated the details to spice up the story.

  Her conversation is always spiced with humor.

  Chris Corning of USA, who was leading with 92 points after the first run, also needed a third chance to raise his score after failing the second attempt.

  Parrot, who outscored Su in the slopestyle final eight days ago, played it safe in his last run, performing a frontside triple cork 1620 that earned him 76.25 points, thus losing his chance to surpass Su.

  play it safe = to be careful, to act with caution; to avoid risks. 避免冒险,安全行事,保守行事,例如:

  Play safe—keep out of the sun in the middle of the day.

  I think you should have your car looked at by a mechanic before your big road trip. Better to play it safe than end up stuck in the middle of nowhere!

  Otsuka and Corning, shortly after, also pulled out of the title-chasing race as they failed to land firmly on the ramp.

  pull out (of something) = to move away from something or stop being involved in it. 退出,不再参与,例如:

  The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.

  I had to pull out of the campaign when my son became ill.

  They became the first nation to pull out of the peace-keeping summit in over 50 years.

  A third attempt was no longer necessary for the sensational Chinese snowboarder, after Mons Roisland of Norway finished his race with a total of 171.75 points that placed him in second.

  sensational = causing great surprise, excitement, or interest 振奋人心的,让人激动的,令人惊喜的,例如:

  The result was a sensational 4–1 victory.

  Su and his coach Yasuhiro Sato looked exceptionally calm before his last run, but the teenager could no longer hold it in the moment he landed on the ramp. Su has pocketed two medals now at Beijing 2022, the previous one a silver in snowboard slopestyle.

  This was Team China’s sixth gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics, breaking the five-gold record made in Vancouver in 2010.

  Also on Tuesday, China’s Rong Ge finished fifth with 160 points in the women’s snowboard big air final.

  exceptionally = used before an adjective or adverb to emphasize how strong or unusual the quality is. 非同寻常地,例如:

  The weather, even for January, was exceptionally cold.

  I thought Bill played exceptionally well.

  hold something in = to not express how you really feel, 掩饰情感不表达,反义词是let something out, 例如:

  Sometimes you just need to hold in your anger.

  Don’t hold your feelings in. Let them out.

  Go ahead and cry. Don’t hold it in.

  These children hold in their feelings so as not to upset their parents.

  pocket = If you say that someone pockets something such as a prize or sum of money, you mean that they win or obtain it. 收入囊中.





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