苏州古典园林享有"江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南"之美誉。苏州古典园林始于春秋 时期,形成于五代,成熟于宋代,兴旺鼎盛于明清,其中以拙政园、留园最为出名。苏州古 典园林,以写意山水的高超艺术手法,蕴含浓厚的中国传统思想和文化内涵,是东方文明的 造园艺术典范,是中国园林的杰出代表。
参考翻译: The Classical Gardens of Suzhou are reputed as "Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world and Suzhou gardens are the best in Jiangnan”. It began in the Spring and Autumn Period, formed in the five Dynasties, matured in the Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Among them, the Humble Administrator Garden and the Lingering Garden are the most famous. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou, with the superb artistic technique of freehand brushwork landscape, contains the strong Chinese traditional thought and cultural connotation, is the oriental civilization garden art model and is the outstanding representative of the Chinese garden.