新东方网2015-04-20 16:39吉林新东方朱博
be on good, friendly, bad terms with somebody
To have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with somebody. 就是拽个词儿,显得我们英语很好很地道。举几个例子大家就会用了:
I had no idea that you and he were on such intimate terms (= were such close friends).
He is still on excellent terms with his ex-wife.
I’m on first-name terms with my boss now (= we call each other by our first names). (跟你的boss直呼姓名,好吧…)
I don’t have the faintest clue.
这个就是用来强调I don’t know. 不过一听就比“我不知道”还不知道。还可以说成I don’t have the faintest/slightest idea.
come together
If two or more different people or things come together, they form a united group. 主语是人的话,可以理解成:团结一心,众志成城。举例子:
Three colleges have come together to create a new university.
Bits and pieces of things he’d read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.
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