

新东方网2015-05-07 15:07吉林新东方朱博

  pull for somebody


  I’m sure we owe part of our victory to our supporters who were there, pulling for our side.

  put your cards on the table = to tell somebody honestly what your plans, ideas, etc. are

  这个put everything on the table跟上面的表达基本上是一个意思,就是字幕里说的“打开天窗说亮话”。

  be/ go out of your mind = to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to become crazy

  当对方表现的不太正常,有点儿让人无法理解,你就可以吼过去“Are you out of your mind?”再比如:

  You’re lending them money? You must be out of your tiny mind!

  OK,到此为止,我们这位guest star的表演应该就告一段落了,剧情又回归到这位母女之间发生的故事,继续关注喽~


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