

新东方网2015-05-11 15:36吉林新东方朱博


  这个词在这个语境下的意思跟我们最早接触的“不同”不一样哦。这里,它是a disagreement between people。比如:

  We have our differences, but she’s still my sister.

  Why don’t you settle your differences and be friends again?

  There was a difference of opinion over who had won.

  piss somebody off

  下次想说“你真是气死我了”,就不要用angry之类的,改成You really pissed me off. 或者像上面说的:I’m so pissed off at you!

  get something off your chest

  就是“把憋在心里的话讲出来,一吐为快”(to talk about something that has been worrying you for a long time so that you feel less anxious)。

  Why not tell her how you feel? It might do you good to get it off your chest.


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