新东方网整理2015-05-21 16:36
cross my heart (and hope to die)
很多孩子看到这句话很是费解,什么叫“交叉心脏,希望去死”?好吧,其实他是句固定用法,表示强调你说的是实话或者跟对方保证你会信守诺言。有种“发誓、保证”的意思(It’s used to emphasize that you are telling the truth or will do what you promise)。例如:
I saw him do it—cross my heart.
run something by/ past somebody
这个表达类似于中文里的“让某人过目,请某人审核,请教某人的意见”的感觉(to show somebody something or tell somebody about an idea in order to see their reaction to it)。
deadbeat dad
这个用英文来解释更清楚:a father who does not live with his children and does not pay their mother any money to take care of them。嗯,对,完全就是描写上图的这位father。
Deadbeat也指a lazy person, a person with no job and no money, who is not part of normal society。
大家要注意,这个deadbeat分开写呢,表示very tired,例如:
You look dead beat.