新东方网2015-06-16 10:20吉林学校朱博
by all standards and measures
“Once your technique gets to a certain level, the only thing that separates you from others is your quirks or even flaws. You can never be the best, technically. Some will always have a higher jump, or a more beautiful line. The only thing you can be the best at is developing your own self.”
According to the exact meaning, facts etc. 例如:
Technically (speaking), the two countries are still at war.
It is still technically possible for them to win (= but it seems unlikely).
“I told him I was basically a ballerina, which by the way I wholeheartedly believed. It quickly became clear that I was 15 years away from being a ballerina. It made me work a million times harder, and of course the magic of cinema and body doubles helped the final effect. But the point is, if I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk. … My complete ignorance to my own limitations looked like confidence, and got me into the director’s chair. Once there, I had to figure it all out, and my belief that I could handle these things contrary to all evidence of my ability to do so was only half the battle, the other half was very hard work.”
half the battle
The most important or difficult part of achieving something.
When you’ve got a difficult day ahead, getting a good night’s sleep is often half the battle.
“Now clearly I’m not urging you to go and perform heart surgery without the knowledge to do so. Making movies admittedly has less drastic consequences than most professions, and allows for a lot of effects that make up for mistakes.”
“Your inexperience is an asset, and will allow you to think in original and unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset. Just starting out one of your biggest strengths is not knowing how things are supposed to be. You can compose freely because your mind isn’t cluttered with to many pieces. And you don’t take for granted the way how things are. The only way you know how to do things is your own way.”
“You here will all go on to achieve great things. There’s no doubt about that.”
“It’s a cliché, because it’s true that helping others ends up helping you more than anyone.”
A phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting.
“Getting out of your own concerns and caring about someone else’s life for a while reminds you that you are not the center of the universe. Ant that in the ways we’re generous or not, we can change the course of someone’s life. Even at work, the small feat of kindness crew members, directors, fellow actors have shown me have had the most lasting impact.”
“I wish for you that your friends will be with you through it all as my friends from Harvard have been together since we graduated. My friends from school are still very close. We have nursed each other through heartaches, and danced at each other’s weddings. We’ve held each other at funerals, and rocked each other’s new babies. We worked together on projects, helped each other get jobs, and thrown parties for when we’ve quit bad ones. And now our children are creating a second generation of friendship as we look at them toddling together.”
“Grab the good people around you and don’t let them go. The biggest asset this school offers you is a group of peers that will both be your family and your school for life.”
“I can’t wait to see how you do all the beautiful things you will do.”
看完了女神的演讲,大家一定要意识到,学习英文最让人头疼着急的事情不是不认识单词,而是看着完全认识的文字,轮到自己说的时候,完全不能用同样地道的语言表达… 所以,强烈建议大家没事儿滴时候,多看看名人演讲,多学学“正规”表达,多模仿一下名人范儿,多多积累,多多应用,假以时日,大家的英文都会棒棒的!
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