吉林新东方2016-02-24 14:52朱博
【swanky】 时髦的; 风流的; 潇洒的; 华丽的
Fashionable and expensive in a way that is intended to impress people.
【take on something】
To begin to have a particular quality, appearance, etc. For example:
The chameleon can take on the colors of its background.
So once you’ve established that someone is fit, and you’re pretty sure you fancy them, you’ll probably want to try and snog them. Or as you say in America, make out with them. No one really knows where the word snog came from. Although most dictionary say it came about in 1950s. Much like making out, snogging should only be used in a romantic context. It is not the same as a peck on the cheek, and you certainly wouldn’t go around snogging a relative. Unless that’s something you’re into.
If you’re a Harry Potter fan, then you may have noticed Ron and Harry using the word on several occasions when talking about kissing girls. Honestly, they grow up so fast. One minute they’re innocently playing with their wands, and the next, snogging!
We also call it tonsil tennis, for obvious reasons.
恋爱的下一步就是“亲热”了!不过要注意,snog (to kiss each other, especially for a long time)跟peck (a quick kiss)可不一样哦,snog只用在情侣之间,这一举动也被叫做“扁桃体网球”,可以理解为“湿吻”咯。
【make out with】
To kiss and touch somebody in a sexual way; to have sex with somebody.
Let’s say you’re out at a bar, pub or club, with a specific girl or chatting someone up, and hoping to get lucky, well, we often call this being out on the pull. To pull someone can generally mean anything from snogging to a bit of fooling around. And it’s only really used when you’re trying to seduce someone new, or whom you’re not already romantically involved with. So you wouldn’t really say, I want to pull my boyfriend. That just sounds weird. But you can snog him until your heart’s content. Just go and do it behind the bike shed.
【chat somebody up】
To talk in a friendly way to somebody you are sexually attracted to, for example:
John was in the bar chatting up the barmaid.
She went straight over and tried to chat him up.
【pull somebody】
To attract somebody sexually, for example:
He can still pull the girls.
She's hoping to pull tonight.
【to your heart’s content】
As much as you want, for example:
There’s a supervised play area where children can run around to their heart's content.
Cop off
Copping off is another brogue sound which can mean anything from a simple snog to a bit of hanky-panky. You know, heavy petting, basically the sort of thing they have posters telling you not to do at swimming pools. Copping off is the UK equivalent of anything around second and third base. And its broad meaning can be a tad confusing when you want to get the gossip on how your friend’s date went. But equally, it means you don’t have to divulge too many details.
The accent that somebody has when they are speaking, especially the accent of Irish or Scottish speakers of English.
Sexual activity that is not considered acceptable, for example:
There was all sorts of hanky-panky going on at the party.
【heavy petting】
Sexual activity that does not involve full sexual intercourse
【first base】
The first step in a sexual relationship involving making out or French kissing.
【second base】
One step up of first base, heavy petting while making out, up the shirt or shirtless for both partners.
【third base】
The last base before sex, often refers to oral sex.
Now, when two people love each other very much, and they’ve passed the rounds of copping off with each other, then there’s only one thing left to do--- shag. For a seemingly reserved nation, the Brits have a lot of words for, how should I put this, spending the night together? Yep, shagging, bonking or getting your leg over or what you Americans might call, a home run. Also, let’s say you fancied someone super fit, and you wanted to go all the way with them, you might described them as being totally shag gable.
【bonk somebody】
To have sex with somebody, for example:
He's been bonking one of his students.
【get your leg over】【home run】
To have sex.
【go all the way (with somebody)】
To have full sexual intercourse with somebody.
以上就是跟大家介绍的British dating words,期待Kate的更多分享哦!