BBC2017-02-14 11:26
Stephen O’Shea, The Alps
Stephen O’Shea《阿尔卑斯》
Breezy and informative, it a reminder of the ever-shifting attitudes toward mountains that have inspired poets and writers for centuries.
Christina Baker Kline, A Piece of the World
Christina Baker Kline《一片世界》
Kline’s new novel is inspired by Christina Olson, the woman in Andrew Wyeth’s best-known painting, Christina’s World. Christina, who lives in the house built by her ancestors in Cushing in the Us state of MaineOne day Wyeth, who spends his summers nearby, asks to use their house as a studio to paint. He and Christina have an instant bond.
Kline的新小说灵感来自Andrew Wyeth的名画《克里斯蒂娜的世界》里的女人像。克里斯蒂娜住在坐落于美国缅因州库欣的一个祖先留下来的房子里。有一天,Wyeth正在附近过暑假,想借房子作为自己的绘画工作室。从此他与克里斯蒂娜便有了密不可分的关系。
Ethel Rohan, The Weight of Him
Ethel Rohan《他的重量》
In heart-rending passages, Rohan captures the ways in which parents blame each other and themselves for the loss of a child, and the courage it takes to change.