

高中学习帮2019-04-30 17:23

  271. What I'm getting at is... 我的意思是……。

  What I'm getting at is that he deserves this promotion.我的意思是他被提升是理所应当的。

  272. What is more serious is that... 更严重的是……。

  What is more serious is that you didn't realize your mistake.更严重的是你没有意识到自己的错误。

  273. What's the point of...?……意义何在?为什么要……?

  What's the point of arguing about it?争论这件事意义何在?

  274. What makes you think...?是什么让你认为……? 你为什么认为……?

  What makes you think he will show up?是什么让你认为他会来?

  275. What seems to be the problem with...?……大概是什么问题?

  What seems to be the problem with the computer? It doesn't work smoothly.


  276. What seems to be the trouble is... 好像问题在于……。

  What seems to be the trouble is that nobody knows how to operate this machine.


  277. What surprised me is that...令我吃惊的是……。

  What surprised me is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.

  让我吃惊的是每个人似乎对她都很冷淡。[ indifferent adj.不关心的;冷漠的]

  278. What will you do if...? 如果……,你会做什么?

  What will you do if such kind of thing happens to you? 如果你碰到这样的事,你会做什么?

  279. What you have to do is... 你必须做的是……。

  What you have to do is hand in your composition tomorrow.你必须做的是明天交作文。

  280. What would you say /think of...? 你认为……怎么样?

  What would you say if the project will have to be postponed?


  281. When do you want me to...?你想让我在什么时候……?

  When do you want me to give you my final decision?你想让我在什么时候给你最后决定?

  282. When it comes to... 谈到……,。/涉及到……。

  When it comes to English, he's an expert.在英语方面,他是个专家。

  283. When will it be convenient for you to...?你看什么时候方便……?

  When will it be convenient for you to come to my home?你看什么时候方便来我家?

  284. Would you be so kind as to...? 能否请你……?

  Would you be so kind as to get our board and lodging ready?

  能否请你帮我们安排好食宿? [ board and lodging:食宿]

  285. Would you like to...? 你想……吗?

  Would you like to join us? We're sure you'll have a good time.


  286. You are expected to... 你要//应该……。

  You are expected to work late tonight.你今晚要加班。

  287. You are (not) allowed to...(不)允许你……。

  You are not allowed to use my computer when I'm away.我不在的时候不许用我的电脑。

  288. You are (not) permitted to...(不)允许你……。

  You are not permitted to park your car here.你不能把车停在这。

  289. You are required to...…要求你……。

  You are required to show the ticket.你必须出示门票。

  290. You are supposed to... 你应该......。

  You are supposed to have finished reading this novel by now.到现在你应该看完这本小说了。

  291. You don't have to... …你没必要……。

  You don't have to be present.你不必到场。

  292. You don't need to... …你没必要……。

  You don't need to do all that was required of us.你没必要做要求我们做的一切。

  293. You really have to do something about...


  You really have to do something about your poor pronunciation.


  294. You should avoid doing sth. 你应该避免做某事。

  You should avoid being late for school.你应该避免上学迟到。

  295. You should make an effort to... 你应该努力……。

  You should make an effort to improve your reading comprehension. 你应该努力提高你的阅读能力。

  296. You should make good use of...你应该充分利用……。

  You should make good use of your spare time to practice English.


  297. You should never... 你绝不应该……。

  You should never flap about. What is needed is your solid action.

  你绝不应该讲空话,需要的是你的实际行动。[ flap about:(俚)讲空话;闲聊]

  298. You were (not) supposed to... 你本(不)应该……。

  Jim, you were supposed to call three hours ago!吉姆,你应该在三个小时以前打电话过来的!

  299. You will be able to... if...如果……,你将能够……。

  You will be able to get accepted by a top law school if you can pass the exam.


  300. You'll never guess... 你永远猜不到……。

  You'll never guess who telephoned me just now — my cousin from America!



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