

高中学习帮2019-04-30 17:23

  241. Something must be done to...…必须采取措施……。

  Something must be done to change our current examination system.


  242. Sorry to bother you, but... …很抱歉打扰你,可是……。

  Sorry to bother you, but I have a question to ask you.


  243. Thanks to... 由于…/多亏…。

  Thanks to his parents' encouragement and support, he finally realized his dream.


  244. The point is... 重点/关键是……。

  The point is that you have to keep your promise to help her with her English.


  245. The problem / question is that / whether...问题是……。

  1) The problem now is that we're locked out of the house.现在的问题是我们被锁在门外了。

  2) The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们能否帮助我们。

  246. The reason why... is...…的原因就是……。

  The reason why he made such a great achievement is his perseverance.


  [ perseverance n.坚持;坚定不移] [坚持创造辉煌!]

  247.The secret of...is to... ...的秘诀是......。

  The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.


  248. The way I see it, ..…我的看法是……。

  The way I see it, you should avoid making the same mistake again.


  249. This was the moment when...…就是那个时候……。

  This was the moment when I realized that I wanted to be a professional singer.


  250. That reminds me, ...那提醒了我……。/那让我想起了……。

  That reminds me, I must get some cash.这倒提醒了我,我得取一些现金。

  251. There are signs that...有……的迹象/征兆。有迹象表明/显示……。

  There are signs that you have made a significant improvement.


  252. There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问,……。

  There is no doubt that health is better than wealth.毫无疑问,健康胜于财富。

  253. There seems to be... …看起来好像……。

  There seems to be a little misunderstanding between them.看起来他们之间好像有点小误会。

  254. There used to be... …过去曾有……。/曾经有过……。

  There used to be many forests in our country.以前我们国家有很多森林。

  255. There's no point in... ……是无意义的。

  There's no point in getting angry when things have happened.对已发生的事生气是没有意义的。

  256. There's no way... ……绝不可能。

  There's no way one could succeed without hard work.一个人不努力绝不可能成功。

  257. To a great/some extent, ...在很大/某种程度上,……。

  1) To a great extent, you will be on your own.在很大程度上,你要靠自己。

  2) To some extent, from self-confidence comes success and from success comes more self-confidence.


  258. To be frank / honest, ...老实说,……。说实话,……。

  To be honest, I don't think we have a chance of winning.说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的可能。

  259. To one's delight / joy / surprise,...让某人高兴/惊奇的是,……。

  1) To my delight, there's a sale on clothes on Beijing Road,


  2) To my surprise, I got a new computer for my birthday.


  260. To start with, ...…首先,……。

  To start with, let's talk about how much money we need.首先,让我们讨论一下我们需要多少资金。

  261. To sum up... 总之,……。总而言之,……。

  To sum up, life in the future will certainly be very different from that of today.


  262. To tell (you) the truth,... …说实话,……。

  To tell you the truth, I used to make a lot of trouble when I was young.不瞒你说,我小时候老是闯祸。

  263. We hold the opinion that...我们认为……。

  We hold the opinion that miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them.


  264. We must do something to...我们必须采取行动以……。

  We must do something to reduce the pollution.我们必须采取措施减少污染。

  265. We must take action / measures to...我们必须采取行动/措施以……。

  1) We must take action to keep up with new developments.我们必须采取行动跟上新的发展形势。

  2) We must take measures to better the traffic.我们必须采取措施改善交通状况。

  266. We should make every effort to...我们应该竭尽全力……。

  We should make every effort to protect our valuable drinking water.


  267. What do you find the hardest in...?你觉得……最大的困难是什么?

  What do you find the hardest in learning English?你觉得学英语最大的困难是什么?

  268. What do you mean by...? 你……是什么意思?

  What do you mean by telling me a lie? 你跟我撒谎是什么意思?

  269. What do you say...? 你认为……怎么样?

  What do you say we go for a drive one of these days when it clears up?


  270. What do you think of...? 你认为……怎么样?

  What do you think of the relationship between China and America? 你认为中美关系如何?


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