

高中学习帮2019-04-30 17:23

  151. Is there any chance you could possibly...?你有没有可能……?

  Is there any chance you could possibly come to China? 你有没有可能来中国?

  152. Is there anything else that...? 还有别的……吗?

  Is there anything else that you don't understand? 你还有什么不懂的地方吗?

  153. It appears that...看来…,/ 似乎…

  It appears that great progress has been made in the IT industry.


  154. It depends on whether...这取决于……是否……。

  It depends on whether you are determined to do it or not.这取决于你是否决心要做这件事情。

  155. It doesn't make sense to...…没有任何意义。

  It doesn't make sense to argue with him. 和他争论没有任何意义。

  156. It doesn't matter whether /if... 如果……也没关系。

  It doesn't matter if you have made mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and you'll make progress.


  157. It goes without saying that...理应如此/不言而喻。

  It goes without saying that women should have equal rights and opportunities with men.


  158. It makes a / no difference (to sb.) ...(对某人来说)……很重要/无所谓。

  It makes no difference to me whether you go or not.你去不去对我来说都无所谓。

  159. It occurred to me that...……浮现于我的脑中。俄想起……。

  It suddenly occurred to me that ' knew how to solve that problem.


  160.It won't do any harm to... 没有坏处。

  It won't do any harm to try it.试试又不会有什么坏处。

  161. It would be wonderful if... 要是……那就太好了。

  It would be wonderful if we can go visit Mount Emei this summer!


  162. It happened that...……很偶然。

  It happened that I won the football lottery last week.我上星期偶然中了足彩。

  [ lottery n. 彩票;奖券]

  163. It helps if ...如果……的话,将会(对某人)有帮助/好处。

  It helps if you can conquer your shyness and yell out English crazily.


  164. It’s amazing (that) ...……很了不起。

  It's amazing (that) China became the third country that launched a manned spacecraft.


  165.It is/was...that/who...[强调句句型]

  It was Edward who told me about it.告诉我这件事的是爱德华。

  166. It is bad to....……是不好的。

  It is bad to push yourself too hard. Just try your best.把自己逼得太紧不好。尽力而为就行了。

  167.It’s hard to imagine...…很难想像……。

  It's hard to imagine how he made it without any help.很难想像没有人帮助,他是怎样成功的。

  168. It is believed that...…人们认为……。

  It is believed that what she said is true.大家相信她的话是真的。

  169. It didn't /won't take long before...没多久坏需要多久……就……。

  It didn't take long before he got used to life abroad.没多久他就适应了国外的生活。

  170. It is easier to... than to.......比.....容易。

  It is easier to buy a car than to keep one.买车容易养车难。

  171. It is easy enough to...……相当容易。

  It is easy enough to copy and paste; but you should write something by yourself.


  172.It is essential that...有必要……。[主语从句使用虚拟语气]

  It is essential that effective measures be taken to protect our civil rights.


  173. It is good manners to do...……是有礼貌的表现。

  It is good manners to bring along a small gift or some flowers when you are invited to dinner by a foreign friend.


  174. It is high time ...现在是……的时候了。/早就应该……了。[从句使用虚拟语气]

  It is high time we stopped talking about this silly question.


  175. It is hoped that... 希望……。

  It is hoped that no one was seriously injured in the car crash.


  176.It is important that...……是很重要的。[主语从句使用虚拟语气]

  It is important that something be done before it's too late.


  177. It's long been my dream to...……一直是我的梦想。

  It's long been my dream to make a speech in English.用英语发表演讲一直是我的梦想。

  178. It is (very /not) likely that...(很/没)有可能……。

  It is likely that it will rain this afternoon.今天下午很有可能下雨。

  179. It is (not) necessary to...……是(没)有必要的。

  1) I think it is necessary to look before you leap.我觉得三思而后行是有必要的。

  2)When invited, it is not necessary for you to bring anything with you.去做客不一定非要带礼物。

  180. It is no use doing sth. 做某事是毫无用处的。

  It is no use talking without doing.光说不做是没有用的。


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