新东方网整理2015-03-16 10:21上海新东方张曦
Nowadays,the world is increasingly optimistic about the future of China and many foreigners even envy the Chinese for their well-being. Many European and American scholars argue that the west’s arrogant self-centralism has overshadowed its intellect and the western world should have timely reflectionon China’s success and learn from it. While others sympathize with the bright prospect of Chinese economy, we shouldn’t despise ourselves nor misjudges the developing trends of the world or our own circumstances, underestimating our potential for development and belittling ourselves to the loss of confidence.
Of course, we should be aware of the difficulties and hardships even in good times of stability and prosperity to foresee the risks and challenges ahead insteadof resting easy into inaction. Though many opportunities come without scramble,we should strive to create and seize them by ourselves. As long as we forge ahead in the modest and enterprising spirit, conquering difficulties and strengthening our own edges along the way, we are bound to live in greater prosperity.
例1: 在别人认同“中国经济前景光明论”时,我们自己不能唱衰自己,误判断世界发展大势和我国处境,低估自身发展潜力,妄自菲薄,丧失信心。
参考译文:While others sympathize with the bright prospect of Chinese economy, we shouldn’t despise ourselves nor misjudges the developing trends of the world or our own circumstances, underestimating our potential for development and belittling ourselves to the loss of confidence.
解析:本句中每个小句都是动词短语,如“唱衰自己”(belittle ourselves),误判断世界发展大势和我国处境(misjudge the trends of the world and our own circumstances),低估自身发展潜力(underestimate our potential for development),妄自菲薄(belittle ourselves),丧失信心(lose confidence),如果这么多动词短语叠用在英语句子中,效果不好,可以适当采用分词短语,并将lose confidence转译为名词短语the loss of confidence,表达得才较为地道。
参考译文:Of course, we should be aware of the difficulties and hardships even in good times of stability and prosperity to foresee the risks and challenges instead of resting easy into inaction.
解析:本句中的动词短语过多,居安思危(think of adversity in prosperity),高枕无忧(rest easy),无所作为(attempt and accomplish nothing)等,如果能够把无所作为译为名词inaction,译文就更为简洁明了。
我的建议是,这样的文章,在翻译时多采用具体词。例如,汉语中简简单单一个“好”字,可以表达无数不同的含义,英译汉中,为了避免语言过于口语化,往往需要将简单的词语具体化,如good wife是“贤良的妻子”,good Christian是“虔诚的教徒”,good parents是“慈爱的父母”等。那么,针对汉语中比较简单口语化的词语,要在译文中显得雅致,也需要一些具体词。
参考译文:Nowadays, the world is increasingly optimistic about the future of China and many foreigners envy the Chinese for their well-being.
参考译文:As long as we forge aheadin the modest and enterprising spirit, conquering difficulties and strengthening our own edges along the way, we are bound to live in greater prosperity.
解析:“走自己的路”最为简单的译文是walk in our own way,但表达效果不够好,如果采用具体词组forge ahead,译文就上了一个档次,显得高大上。“日子越过越好”最简单的译文是live a better life,如果把词语具体化,译为live in greater prosperity,译文就会雅了许多。
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