

上海新东方口译研究中心2016-09-14 11:00黄 翌 王佳欣



  城市化进程会导致暴力、政治不稳定、犯罪以及有攻击性的行为(promote urban violence, political instability, crime and aggressive behavior),城市中迅速增长的人口同时会使贫困问题持久化(perpetuates poverty)。与此同时,传统的家庭结构也因此遭到破坏(the breaking of the traditional family structure),这种现象近年来日益显著(increasingly noticeable)。由于美国已逐步将教育和休闲活动(educational and recreational activities)转移到家庭之外的专属机构(specialized institution),传统家庭被剥夺了原来属于他们自己的有特色的、传承已久的功能(deprive families of their most characteristic, historical functions),家庭之内的亲属关系便随之受到削弱(weakened bond of kinship)。

  另外,不同肤色不同人种聚集到了城市,使得种族隔离(segregation)随即萌芽。人群被根据种族(race)、宗教习俗(religious practice)、民族传统(ethnic heritage)以及经济社会地位(economic and social status)隔离,这种隔离会导致紧张局势和偏见(tension and prejudice),也会给个体和整个社会带来生理上和心理上的伤害。

  虽然政府在房屋、农业、工业发展上承担了责任(assume the responsibility),但是政府预算无法在不同地区做到平均分配(distribute equally),有些方面比如公共卫生(sanitation)和教育的问题始终得不到妥善解决。

  由于城市中人口过剩(overpopulation)和就业机会的不足(lack of employment opportunity),犯罪率也是个巨大的问题。传统家庭结构被打破、亲属纽带的薄弱,都使得这些家庭中成长的孩子道德意识不强,再加上贫困,使得这些孩子觉得犯罪是迅速摆脱困境的不二之选。




  女性是入住酒店的客户,在酒店举办完2天会议。男性是酒店的会务经理conference manager。女性一共罗列了两大投诉问题。


  20人中有3人表示, Rooms hadn’t been cleaned up.



  此为更加主要major的一个问题,影响到了所有入住者。客人特意事前要求在晚上7:30吃上晚餐,保证之后的讨论工作顺利进行。客人于7点到达餐厅,等到7:30时,似乎所有都准备妥当,但wait and wait, 一直没有上菜。她的同事一直在询问是什么问题,但是没有人解释,更没有道歉let alone an apology. 最后9:30才吃完饭。最恼人的事实无人负责。The most annoying thing is nobody in charge.

  经理表示非常抱歉,表示会和餐厅经理沟通,但他也是第一次听到有人反映这个问题。女的表示你们的账单bill消费高。经理表示他们之前的客户都挺满意的。他会做调查,确保之后的服务质量。之前的账单作废,他会重新提供一张10% off的,九折优惠,女的相对比较满意。

  Q1: Why does the woman want to meet Mr. Carter, the conference manager.

  Q2: What did the woman complained about the first?

  Q3: Which of the following is not a problem in the woman’s complaints?

  Q4: What did the woman say about the main dinner on the Thursday night?

  Q5: What the Mr. Carter offer to repair the problem?

  【新闻汇总】- 第二篇- News



  IOC宣布无须因为寨卡病毒Zika而推迟里约奥运。然而一位加拿大教授联系IOC表示应当postpone or move the Olympic games,由于大量外来人口涌入,可能会造成大量畸形malformed新生儿,使其终身残疾。

  Q6:Why did the Canadian professor want the IOC to postpone or move the Olympic games?


  一艘游船于大堡礁附近着火沉落。46 were rescued,其中19人被送至医院,无生命危险。后对船和着火过程有所报道。问题设置需要关注数字。

  Q7:How many people are taken to the hospital after the Great Barrier big fire?



  Q8:Why an off-duty deputy was regarded as heroes?



  Q9: What was the hardest temperature in India?


  科学家制造出昆虫大小的机器人,这个发现和哈佛的十年实验室项目Robobee项目有关,机器人是一个微型机器无人机micro robotic drone, 每个大小和10 pence 硬币一样。有电动充电板,存电。

  Q10: What are the findings of decade-long project of Harvard?




  年轻一代需要一个有识别度的面孔来主演。13-16岁的青少年,能够在说英语的亚裔面孔中找到共同点identity themselves,因为归根到底,他们看到的是另一种形式的美国人而已。这部电影的首要主角就是来自东京的Korean-American。年青一代喜欢他,是一个偶像idol,年轻人是电影的消费者。

  Q11: Where is the setting of the film Undoing?

  Q12: What role does the man play on making the film Undoing?

  Q13: Which is the following is not true about making an independent film?

  Q14: Who might be the first principle character in the film Undoing?

  Q15: According to the man, what is happening to the movie audiences in the America?

  【求职竞争力】-第四篇- Talk


  合适的求职者需要具备的能力有:和同事互动,表达自己,控制自己说话的内容和方式。面试时会涉及公司领域,智力问题;面试通过之后,公司希望雇员能够完成multiple tasks,具备technological skill。这一部分包括举例讲解,并且设置题目。例子中的岗位Position要求会使用微软的相关软件,制作ppt,word等,会使用数据库database,利用程序program等查找信息,提升工作效率。

  之后描述了如何获得以上技能? 需提升以下领域的能力:熟练操作键盘、撰写邮件、记录电话号码等。最后给出终极建议the best advice is that play with the computer in your free time and be familiar with its software and hardware. Try to use programs. 也建议上电脑培训班,上网搜索一些讲座自我提升。


  Q16: What is the main topic of this talk?

  Q17: Apart from being expected to complete multiple tasks and work in different areas of the company, what other skills are employees expected to have?

  Q18: If you take a position in an office, which of the following are you supposed to display?

  Q19: What’s the advice the speaker gives at the end of this talk?

  Q20: Who are the most likely audience for this talk?

  Note-taking & Gap-filling

  此次Note-taking & Gap-filling的语速较快,文章较长,但是文章层次依然很清楚,指示词如“Firstly,Secondly”等很清晰,而且一再进行了重复以便考生笔记,符合这种题型的一贯特色。考生只需理清逻辑关系,按照层次做笔记,即便个别层面没听懂,也不会影响其它方面的纪录。

  文章开门见山交代了主题,讨论的是人民生活质量的度量方法(measure quality of life or well-being),以及这些方法的弊端和局限性。20世纪大部分时间,经济学家都是用“国家收入”(national income)这个指标来比较国与国之间的收入差异。这个指标饱受诟病,因为很多人认为生活质量根本就不该被拿来分析,除非讨论经济发展的时候。20世纪后半叶,经济学家发明了其它一些指标,其中最著名的就是联合国1990年指定的HDI,即“人类发展指数”(Human Development Index)。

  文章接下去就围绕HDI展开,先定义了它的三个维度,很明确地说了“3 dimensions”,考生随即就应该分三行,记下:

  live a long and healthy life

  be educated

  have a decent standard of living

  紧接着进行了重复:So there’re 3 parts to this particular index---long and healthy life, education and standard of living。考生若之前没来得及记,这就是第二次机会。


  第一点,既要活得长也要健康。寿命长并不意味着健康,尤其是在晚年时期。第二点教育,又包含了两大要素:识字率(literacy rate),即15岁以上成年人能读懂简单句子的比例,以及整体入学率(combined enrollments)。第三点,主要用人均国内生产总值(gross domestic product per capita)来衡量,也就是GDP除以总人口。

  当然,这三个维度总体还是有局限性的。比如贫困这个重要因素,就不像GDP一样透明;经济发展对环境的影响,也是无法用数字来衡量的。另外,数据的质量和数量也值得商榷。还有个重要的问题就是西方国家和非西方国家对指数不同的理解方式。英国作家Schumacher写过一本著名的书《Small and Beautiful》,讲Western economics主要用消费这个指标来衡量生活标准——消费越多说明生活质量越高。而Buddhist economics则认为这种看待问题的态度极不理性,因为消费仅是人类福利的一种手段,目标应该是用最低的消费获取最大的满足。


  1. In order to be successful in this world, you must get along with people. This means you must learn to behave in such a way that you have the affection and respect of others.

  2.Phone calls, or emails, or Wechat guarantee perfect communication. With all our sophisticated skills, we human beings sometimes communicate less effectively than some animals.

  3.There are two types of women who are now the bread-winners in their families. First, older and educated women who bring home bigger paychecks than their husbands.Second, poor women who are single mothers and often without a college degree.

  4.Negations are a frequent part of international business. Parties involved a negotiation face different problems in reaching a successful outcome. When the parties have different culture backgrounds, the faced problems become more complex.

  5.Demand for investment gold has surged 21% in the first quarter. Low oil prices, and volatile stock markets have tipped gold into a bull market. Prices has soared 20% so far to $1280 an ounce.


  1.According to the British magazine, the Economist, land in Tokyo is so expensive that it would have cost more to buy Tokyo city center than to buy all the land in the United States. Japan’s capital is also one of the world’s most overcrowded cities. The cities’ commuter problem is so bad that people are employed just to push the travelers on to the trains during rush hour. Therefore, there is a serious talk of moving capital city to a different place. The trouble with that idea, however, is that Tokyo is the headquarters of many multinational companies as well as the home to the best universities. Most ambitious Japanese want to live there. 2.…You’ll see or hear advertisements from various kinds of media that tell people to lose weight, whiten their teeth or have cosmetics surgery. These ads try to convince people to spare no efforts to improve their body image. In a survey of 432 Americans, over 50% of the women, and 25% of the men wanted to have cosmetic surgery. Research shows that for first impressions among people, 55% are based on appearance, 38% on body language, and only 7% on what you say. People really are forming opinions by looking at your clothes, your hair, you skin and you size, and they are doing it all in 30 seconds.



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