
3月24日外交部发言人耿爽 主持例行记者会(中英对照)

外交部发言人办公室2020-03-25 13:44

  The facts are very clear. The US, out of its long-standing ideological bias against China, has continuously escalated its political oppression and unreasonable restrictions on Chinese journalists. This is simply intolerable.

  我想再次强调,中方始终欢迎各国媒体和记者依法依规在中国从事采访报道工作,并将继续提供便利和协助。中方反对的是针对中国的意识形态偏见,反对的是借所谓新闻自由炮制假新闻,反对的是违反新闻职业道德的行为。   I would like to stress once again that China welcomes media and journalists from all over the world to do their job in China in accordance with laws and regulations and we will continue to provide convenience and assistance. What we oppose is ideological bias towards China, fake news in the name of press freedom, and violation of professional ethics.


  The Wall Street Journal published an insulting article with a blatantly racist headline, which is unacceptable in any country. Our position has been repeated many times earlier on.



  Reuters: The New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal published an open letter today, calling for the Chinese government to change its decision to expel their journalists. Have you seen the letter and is China going to reconsider?


  Geng Shuang: I haven't read this letter yet. But as I recall, we made it very clear on this podium that the measures taken by the Chinese side against relevant US media are all necessary countermeasures and legitimate self-defense in response to US unreasonable oppression of Chinese media in recent years. We are not the reason and the responsible party for the current situation. If any US media agencies, including those you mentioned, have any problems with it, they should raise the complaints to the US government.


  As for whether China will reconsider the decision, I shall say the top priority for now is that the US should change its wrong course immediately and stop political oppression and unwarranted restriction against Chinese media.



  China Daily: China has deplored and rejected the phrase "Chinese virus" or "Wuhan virus" used by a few individuals in the US. However, US Secretary of State Pompeo still used "Wuhan virus" in his tweet on March 23. Do you have anything more to say on this?


  Geng Shuang: The Chinese side has repeated many times that some people in the US have been seeking by every means to link the virus with China and stigmatize China. This was met with strong indignation and firm objection from the Chinese people. WHO and the international community explicitly oppose linking the virus with any specific country or region and reject stigmatization.

  联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,在与新冠肺炎大流行的斗争中,种族歧视和偏见行为是可耻的,必须始终与种族主义和歧视做斗争。欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表博雷利表示,病毒没有国籍,面对全人类共同挑战,应当选择合作与多边主义,而非竞争和相互指责,不应当随意诉诸“中国病毒”等说法。世卫组织认为,应避免将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”,现在应是团结的时刻、尊重事实的时刻、共同抗击疫情的时刻。   UN Secretary-General António Guterres said "it is shameful to see increasing acts of racial discrimination and prejudice as we fight the COVID19 pandemic" and "we must always fight racism and prejudice". EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said the virus knows no border and we need cooperation and multilateralism, instead of competition and recrimination, in face of the common challenge for mankind. It is not the time for countries to blame one another with terms like "Chinese virus". WHO believes that we should avoid calling it "Chinese virus". Now is the moment for solidarity, for respecting facts and for fighting together.

  近日,美国国内不少有良知的有识之士也都公开发声,对个别人使用“中国病毒”的说法表示反对,认为这是赤裸裸地宣扬种族主义和排外心理。他们认为,将病毒称为“中国病毒”将使民众处于种族主义和暴力的危险之中,新冠病毒使所有人都受到了影响,需要携手应对,而不是仇外式地散布恐惧。很多美国主流媒体及多家智库机构也都对美国个别人的荒谬言论提出了强烈批评。   Some in the US who can still see things clearly have publicly opposed the saying of "Chinese virus", pointing out that it is bald-faced racism and xenophobia. They believe that calling it "Chinese virus" will expose certain people under the risk of racism and violence. The novel coronavirus affects everyone and needs to be tackled with joint efforts, instead of fear-mongering in a xenophobic way. Many mainstream media and think tanks in the US have also strongly criticized the absurd remarks made by certain American individuals.

  近一时期,中美之间有一些关于病毒源头的争论。我想指出,挑起这场争论的恰恰是美方,首先称病毒起源于中国,首先使用“中国病毒”、“武汉病毒”说法的也是美方。根据媒体报道,早在3月6日,蓬佩奥就公开对外使用“武汉病毒”的提法,此后美方一些政客和高官持续不断地借此污名化中国,引起中国人民的极大义愤和强烈反对。白纸黑字,言犹在耳,美方是抵赖不了的。   Recently, there have been some arguments between China and the US about the origin of the virus. I want to point out that it was the US side that started this argument. It was also the US that first claimed that the virus originated in China and used such terms as "Chinese virus" and "Wuhan virus". According to media reports, as early as March 6, Pompeo started to use "Wuhan virus" in public remarks. Since then, some US politicians and senior officials have been using this term to stigmatize China, causing great anger and strong opposition from the Chinese people. What I just cited are public records. There is no way for the US to deny this.



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