
3月24日外交部发言人耿爽 主持例行记者会(中英对照)

外交部发言人办公室2020-03-25 13:44

  Finally, I wish certain people in the US could heed the reasonable voice at home and from the international community and stop making wrongful remarks that stigmatize China. We hope they can understand that confounding public opinion, deflecting responsibilities and shouting "Chinese virus" or "Wuhan virus" will not help with their own or the international efforts against the pandemic. The top priority for the US should be focusing on putting their own house in order and working with China and the international community to contribute to the global fight against the pandemic.



  CRI: You talked about the imported cases yesterday. Could you tell us the latest number of these cases? How many of them are foreigners? Are most of them Chinese coming back from overseas?


  Geng Shuang: Journalist with the Press Trust of India asked about this yesterday, and later on we gathered more information from the competent authorities. According to their statistics, as of 24:00 on March 23, a total of 427 confirmed imported cases had been reported. 380 cases are Chinese nationals and the rest 47 cases are foreign nationals.



  Phoenix TV: At present, the virus is spreading rapidly outside China, and many countries in Europe and the US are facing grim situations. Many overseas compatriots, students overseas in particular, are very anxious about whether they should return to their motherland or not. What kind of help have the Chinese embassies and consulates provided to the Chinese students overseas?


  Geng Shuang: After the outbreak of COVID-19, overseas Chinese students are concerned about their motherland. We are deeply touched by their initiative of donating money and goods in support of the fight against the epidemic in China. We are very proud of them. As the virus continues to spread overseas, we also care about the safety and health of our overseas compatriots including these students.

  一段时间以来,中国驻外使领馆把为海外留学生学习、生活和自我防护提供帮助作为头等大事,纷纷采取行动,充分调动资源,发动各方力量,着力帮助留学生解决遇到的实际困难。   Recently, our foreign missions overseas have made it a priority to help overseas students in their study, daily life and self-protection. They have taken actions to fully mobilize resources to help these students address practical difficulties.

  我们的使领馆与驻在国政府、职能部门和学校保持密切沟通,要求外方高度重视并切实维护好我留学人员的健康安全和正当权益;   Our embassies and consulates are in close contact with the governments, competent departments and schools of the host countries, asking them to attach great importance to and effectively protect the health and safety of our overseas students and their legitimate rights and interests.

  及时发布并更新领事提醒,确保留学生第一时间了解各国应对政策和使领馆防疫服务信息;   They have been timely issuing and updating consular warnings to ensure students are well-informed of the response policies of the countries they stay in and services offered by our embassies and consulates.


  They have set up hotlines for overseas students and their parents in China to comfort them and respond to their concerns.


  They have provided students with special tips and professional and scientific prevention and control guidance by opening up online consulting platforms and inviting medical professionals to share relevant knowledge.


  They also gave students in need free masks, disinfectant solution and hand soap to help them overcome immediate difficulties.

  近日,中国驻美国大使崔天凯与在美留学生进行了“在线”谈心,驻英国大使刘晓明、驻德国大使吴恳也分别接受了央视专访,就留学生们普遍关心的问题进行了细致周到的答疑释惑。此外,中国驻其他国家的使领馆及其负责人也通过发表公开信、接受媒体采访等方式积极引导留学生克服恐慌情绪、客观评估形势、理性对待回国问题。   Cui Tiankai, the Chinese ambassador to the US, recently conducted an online conversation with Chinese students in the US. Liu Xiaoming, Ambassador to the UK, and Wu Ken, Ambassador to Germany, were interviewed by CCTV separately, answering questions and offering thorough explanations on various issues of general concern to the overseas students. In addition, Chinese embassies and consulates in other countries and their officials in charge have also published open letters and took interviews to guide overseas students to stay calm, objectively assess the situation, rationally weigh their option of whether to come back to China or not.

  近日,中国驻英国、法国、意大利、沙特等国的使馆向当地的中国留学生发放了装有防疫物品和防疫指南的“健康包”,指导他们科学防疫,帮助他们加强防护,传递来自党和政府的关心和问候,来自祖国人民的呵护和叮咛。学生们纷纷表示,“健康包”等暖心举措让他们切实感受到党和政府的关爱、祖国亲人的支援和帮助,也感受到使领馆“始终在我们身后”。下一步,中国驻有关国家的使领馆还将陆续结合驻在国实际情况,及时将“健康包”发放到受疫情影响的海外学子手中。   Recently, the Chinese embassies in the UK, France, Italy and Saudi Arabia distributed "health kits" containing epidemic prevention materials and guidelines to Chinese students, encouraging science-based response and self-protection and extending care and support from the Party, the government and people back in China. Students said they did feel that they are cared for and backed up by the Party, the government and their loved ones back in China. They feel that the Chinese embassies and consulates are always behind them. In the next step, our embassies and consulates in relevant countries will also take into account the reality of the host countries and timely distribute these materials to the majority of overseas students affected by the epidemic.

  最后我要再次强调,党和政府时刻牵挂着广大海外留学人员的健康与平安,祖国永远是大家坚强的后盾。中国驻外使领馆也始终陪伴在大家身边,坚定不移地与广大留学生风雨同舟、共克时艰。  Finally, I would like to stress once again that the Party and the government are always concerned about the health and safety of overseas students. For them, the motherland is always their strong backing. China's foreign embassies and consulates will always be there by their side through the hard times.



  Kyodo News: This afternoon the Japanese government approved new school textbooks renewing the claim that Senkaku Islands are Japan's inherent territory. What is your comment?


  Geng Shuang: Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times. We are determined and resolved to safeguard our territorial sovereignty. The fact that Diaoyu Island belongs to China cannot be altered no matter what the Japanese side says or does.

  我们敦促日方切实按照中日四点原则共识精神行事,以实际行动为两国关系改善发展作出努力。  We urge the Japanese side to act in strict accordance with the spirit of the four-point principled agreement between the two sides and make concrete actions to improve bilateral relations.



  Bloomberg News: At least seven Chinese nationals who work for US media companies have been informed to quit by the Beijing Personnel Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions. As the BDS is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are you not a responsible party for this decision? Why were these Chinese nationals forced to quit from their companies?


  Geng Shuang: I answered this question last week. My answer remains the same. Relevant departments in China, including the one you mentioned, regulate affairs related to Chinese employees of the Chinese offices of foreign media agencies in accordance with laws and regulations.

  追问:为什么这些中方雇员被要求离职?   Follow-up: So what is the reason that these people are asked to resign from their positions?


  Geng Shuang: Like I just said, relevant matters are handled in accordance with laws and regulations.



  Reuters: The Taiwan authorities said they asked the WHO for more information on the coronavirus including the risk of human-to-human transmission in late December, but they got no answer. Is this because China pressured the WHO not to deal with Taiwan?


  Geng Shuang: If I remember it right, the Spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has made a response to similar questions.

  这里我可以非常简明地告诉你,任何企图利用此次疫情进行政治炒作和政治操弄的图谋都绝对不会得逞。我们相信,世卫组织始终会按照一个中国原则以及联大2758号决议来妥善处理有关问题。  To be brief, the attempt for political play-up or manipulation under the pretext of this pandemic will not succeed. We believe that the WHO will properly resolve the relevant matter, as it always does, in accordance with the one-China principle and Resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly.


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