

新东方网整理2015-05-29 16:06

  stretch marks

  这个用英文来解释比较好:the marks that are left on a person’s skin after it has been stretched, particularly after a woman has been pregnant.


  就是传说中的“剖腹产”(a medical operation in which an opening is cut in a woman’s body in order to take out a baby)

  put somebody out

  这个短语在此处的意思是“给某人添麻烦”(to cause somebody trouble, extra work, inconvenience). 比如:

  I hope our arriving late didn’t put them out.

  除了这个意思呢,他还有“把某人放倒”的用法(to make somebody unconscious),例如:

  These pills should put him out for a few hours.


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