新东方网整理2015-05-29 16:06
no offense/offence
“无意冒犯”(It’s used to say that you do not mean to upset or insult somebody by something you say or do). 例如:
No offense, but I’d really like to be on my own.
I'm sure he meant no offense when he said that.
如果你想说“没关系,没有觉得被冒犯到”,可以说None taken.
这个单词有太多意思,这里是to be too difficult for somebody。例如:
It beats me = I don’t know.
What beats me is how it was done so quickly (= I don’t understand how).
这个听起来就不是什么好词儿= to fail an exam, a test or a course。比如:
I flunked math in second grade.
如果说因为总挂科被学校劝退,可以用flunk out of college = to have to leave a school or college because your marks/grades are not good enough. 例如:
He flunked out of college after four semesters.