

吉林新东方2015-12-15 16:20朱博

  high as a kite

  Behaving in a very excited way, especially because of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs. 如果喝酒喝high了或者嗑药嗑高了,就叫做high as a kite. 特别形象特别好记,“像风筝一样high”。

  stick out

  To be noticeable or easily seen. 很出众,很显眼,跟stand out同义,例如:

  They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.

  fall through

  To not be completed, or not happen. 这个短语经常用在“计划落空”,例如:

  Our plans fell through because of lack of money.


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