

吉林新东方2015-12-15 16:20朱博

  bargaining chip

  A fact or a thing that a person or a group of people can use to get an advantage for themselves when they are trying to reach an agreement with another group. 我们翻译成“讨价还价的筹码;谈判的筹码”,例如:

  Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining chip.

  Should nuclear weapons be used as bargaining chips in arms negotiations?

  make something of yourself

  To be successful in life. 这个表达如果是跟别人说,通常就是一句祈使句,来鼓励或者告诫某人。这里面something就不是常用的“某事某物”,而是“a thing that is thought to be important or worth taking notice of”,例如:

  It’s quite something to have a job at all these days. = It’s a thing that you should feel happy about.

  ride shotgun

  To ride in the front passenger seat of a car or truck.

  “Shotgun”这个表达在N多美剧和电影里都出现过,它跟gun一点关系都没有,而是在抢前排座位的时候喊出来的一句惯用表达。曾经有一首歌叫做Shotgun Rider,百度翻译成“骑枪的人”,请“前排的乘客”呵呵一下吧。

  在Christy的努力下,baby终于被成功领养,之后的故事会不会一帆风顺嘞?嗯,在这个家庭里面,who knows……


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