双语:最近比较烦 2015如坐针毡的500强CEO
2015-01-09 10:01
自2012年执掌雅虎以来,首席执行官玛丽莎。梅耶尔就不断地改变着公司的产品,同时还投资了许多初创公司——尤其是微博客Tumblr——并雇佣了凯蒂。库瑞克等鼎鼎有名的记者。迄今为止,这些举动都未能让这家互联网公司重振旗鼓,反而还促使维权投资公司Starboard Value LP提出拆分或出售雅虎的要求。仿佛扭转公司局势的压力还不够似的,梅耶尔如今又从阿里巴巴[微博]的首次公开募股中获得了大量现金。现在所有的目光都注视着她的下一个动作。
Marissa Mayer—Yahoo
Since taking over Yahoo in 2012, CEO Marissa Mayer has swapped products in and out of the company’s arsenal while scooping up dozens of startups—Tumblr, most notably—and hiring big-name journalists like Katie Couric. Such moves have failed to revive the Internet company thus far and have instead prompted activist Starboard Value LP to call for its breakup or sale. As if turning the company around wasn’t pressure enough, Mayer now has at her disposal bundles of cash from Alibaba’s IPO. All eyes are on her to see what she’ll do with it
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