

沪江2015-01-26 11:14


  Azog is supposed to be dead.阿索格被认为是死了的。

  If book fans don't seem to remember Azog the Pale Orc from "The Hobbit," there's a good reason for that. He actually died almost 150 years before the book begins. Thorin's cousin Dáin killed the orc at the Battle of Azanulbizar in the year 2799 T.A. (Third Age). The events of "The Hobbit" take place between 2941 to 2942 T.A.

  如果原作粉似乎不记得《霍比特人》中的半兽人pale orc阿索格,是有正当理由的。他其实在故事开始的时候就在150年前死了。索林的表兄铁足在2799 T.A.年的阿萨努比萨战役中,杀了这名半兽人。霍比特人的故事发生于2941 到2942 T.A.年间。


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